Weight-Loss Do you gatorade?



New member
Hello, guys!!!!
I like gatorade!!!! it fills me up, and refreshes me!
It's better than diet soda!
Sure it has sugar in it, but I really think it helps me.
I'm cheap, so I mix it myself.
And I think that since it also replenishes electrolytes it keeps me from getting hungrier than just soda.
When I'm at work, I've noticed that when I buy gatorade I don't really feel the need to have a candy bar or chips or whatever... so it works for me at break times also.
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I think a great alternative to Gatorade is G2, which is the lighter Gatorade. It has a much lower level of calories than regular Gatorade. I think it tastes better too! Stick with that!
Hmm, nah. I don't need electrolytes replenished since I'm not an elite athlete, and I really prefer water. As long as you drink water in advance and not first when you hit dehydration, you don't need electrolytes as such. (If you also have a diet that includes the salt and sugar you need). The reason electrolytes makes hydration go faster is osmosis (basically and simplified).

But if it makes you feel good then go for it. For me a slice of fried tofu and a cup of water is just right as a snack.
I will open a little package of Cristal Lite (5 cals) into my 700mL water bottle and swiggle it. I find them a little too sweet though so I just have water most of the time.
I never understood why gatorade can avertise itself as good for your body its high fructose corn syrup, might as well drink a soda while your at it. gatorade is poor for your health
plain water accompanied by a mens one a day is all i need, not even vitamin water, that has crystaline fructose corn syrup, better than regular but still not great for you. water plain is the best way to go buddy