Do you ever feel like... is just screwing you over every chance it gets? I feel like everything that can go wrong is going wrong right now. It's happening so fast I barely have a chance to react. It seems like every time I turn around there is another problem in my life.

First problem: My horse starts losing weight. I get a vet out to see him and as I assumed he has worms. So the vet worms him. Cool. Then the vet tells me that whatever teeth in back are getting worn down from him cribbing and that if he keeps on doing it he's going to be in serious pain. I'm not sure how to stop him but it doesn't matter because I can't make it out to the barn anyways because...

Second Problem: ... my car's completely falling apart! It's seriously spilling out transmission fluid everywhere and I was lucky that I made it home from work. I live with a boyfriend who could look at it and tell me what's wrong but he refuses to because I just found out that...

Third Problem: ...he's in one of his manic get the hell out of my way states. I asked him what I should do and at one moment he said:

"I'll take a look at it later"

and then the next minute he said:

"You're on your own. Figure it out"

So, ah, yeah. I'm screwed. He has these weird moodswings and I can just see in his eyes anything I'll ask/say will result in him freaking out. I know a girl at work whose husband might be able to take a look at it Sunday but she lives 15 miles away and I'm worried my car won't make it that far.

Sorry, this is so long. Right now I just feel so ****ed and have no idea what to do.

Anyone else having a bad time? Misery loves company.

Are you just humoring me Sarah or are you being serious? is just screwing you over every chance it gets? I feel like everything that can go wrong is going wrong right now. It's happening so fast I barely have a chance to react. It seems like every time I turn around there is another problem in my life.

Sometimes, only minor things though.
It seems like every time I turn around there is another problem in my life.
IMO, The point of living is to get through life's problems.

Anyone else having a bad time?Misery loves company.
Each day I get stronger, even though problems come at me in every direction. As long as you can fight through your problems, you will get stronger.

P.s Did this help you at all?
Ask your friends husband to come over and fix the car, then steal her husband! That 2 out of 3 problems fixed right there :D

In all seriousness though, these problems are all within your control and fixable, the problem you have is that you've clumped them all togeter as one big problem. My girlfriend is similar and I always get her to compartmentalise the issues and then deal with them seperately. Each problem is relatively minor in the grander scheme of things.

1) get the car fixed; it's only 15 miles to this friends house, offer her a nice bottle of wine or dinner if her husband comes over to look at your car. Either that or tell your boyfriend that you're gonna ask this other guy to fix it; he probably won't like that idea and male pride will kick in and he'll go out and fix your car

2) You can then drive over to the stables and start to think about how you can fix the 'cribbing' problem (whatever the hell that is :) )

3) I have no idea about your boyfriend, but let me guess though, he acts like a bar steward some times but you love him?
You've got to tell him that he can't act like that with you and you won't put up with it
Bloody hell, I just saw you used the tag 'suicide' for this thread, I hope that's a joke. If you are really feeling that down then I'll bet the problems you've just mentioned have nothing to do with the real reason you're so low and you need to see a doctor, or your mum :) , both will help a lot more than we can, you need human contact and reasurrance is just screwing you over every chance it gets?

Now, I might be a crazy person. (most of my friends, family,,,, my wife, say so) But is seems like the most personal growth comes from the times when things are messed up.

You have the opportunity to learn more about yourself, and many other things, being in the situation that you are in.

Enjoy the experiance, remember what you have learned when everything is good again. That is what life is all about.
what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, atleast mentally.. as you dont really get stronger physically from herniating a disc or something..
CCR - Thanks for the advice. Yeah, joking about the whole suicide thing. Not serious in the least. Right now I have a few options as far as my car (which is the immediate problem):

1. Txt my boyfriend and ask if he'll do anything. I'm worried to since this might cause him to snap. I don't know if he's cool now or not.
2. Wait till Sunday and hopefully that girl's husband is good (but it's a far drive).
3. Go to a local garage that is near by and see if they could fix it.

Goergen - You are right on.
hey Calcium,
with thast name I'm guession austioporosis won't be a problem!!! see there... !!! things are better already...

I am about to lose my pro-rating in skydiving because a damn doctor won;t do his job fast enough and he doesn;t think is important at all. But, in my mind Homocide is the more appropriate tag!!

Cool to see you can express yourself here, nice to know you a bit.

peace/love/joy and all to you with intensity!!!

1. Txt my boyfriend and ask if he'll do anything. I'm worried to since this might cause him to snap. I don't know if he's cool now or not.

Maybe the first thing you could do is pick up his club and chuck it out the front door after him, then get the locks changed. What century does that guy think he's living in?
Also Calcium, why be with a person who has such issues?? when times are rough and you're a bit stressed out your other half should be there to help you get through whatever situations you're dealing with. Yeah maybe hes great and all one day, but then the next day he could just snap at you for asking something??!! To the curb my friend!!

On a another note - since misery loves company, I too have felt what you're feeling. This has been a very stressful month for me. I actually thought awful thoughts about my existence the past week. But then I realized I was on a major pity pot - things can always be worse!!! I could be jobless, have a fatal disease, someone I loved could - you get my point! Sometimes we are so self consumed we can't see clearly, which brings me back to your BF, its times like this that ppl you love should be there to help you get through your issues no matter how small or large. :)
Sarah - I don't know why he wouldn't care if I wasted my money. Like I said he's in one of his manic freaked out moods. He's stressed about selling his corvette, getting chores done around the house (of course I do alot of those, but there are things I can't do. Like get his tree trunk chopped up), and other things. He's not dealing well and like I said, he's manic and trying to get it all done right now. Even though nothing is urgent.

Actually his bad attitude has been going on for quite some time. During the winter he said that he's ****ed cause of the weather and can barely function. Now he says that it's spring and it's the busiest time of the year for him so he's stressed. I don't know what the hell his excuse will be for acting like a dick during the summer/fall.

Shellsy - Yeah, I know. It sounds shallow but the only reason why I've stayed and put up with this is his random acts of kindness and free rent. Although I'm starting to think that all the time I spend cooking and cleaning for him could be spent working to make money for rent to live on my own. It's becoming a stressful environment to live in and I've never been good at dealing with tension.
Is it possible he suffers from SAD () or do you think he's just a dick?

Either way, you need to spell it out to him that he has to change or you'll go. You'll feel so much more self worth if you're surviving off your own back and no one is around to bring you down to their level. Just my 2 cents as you yanks say
Calcium...seriously...drop his ass if he can't change his ways. If he's not willing to get help for his disorder, then you need to move on because he's causing you misery.

Your car more than likely has a crack in the radiator. If I were close enough to you I'd bring the welder and fix it for you. It's an easy enough to fix problem, shouldn't cost you more than $60-100 depending on if it's the plastic casing or the metal portion and/or who does it. There's a bang of radiator shops out there competing for business.

If he was smart, he'd have a list of things that needed to be done and mark them off as he goes.

I swear some people need to be shipped off to boot camp for a few months to snap them back into reality.

The way I see it-
Give him the same attitude back, confront him and make him get help or you're leaving, or just leave because it doesn't sound like he's meeting your needs.
SAD is a load of crap. its cold out boo hoo

OMG LMAO!!! You're too funny, I was gonna rep you for that but am confused if I should neg or pos?! :D