Do personal trainers help with injury issues?


New member
I used to be a serious distance runner but I have so much trouble with my right knee that I gave it up. These days I lift, swim and do some long-distance kayaking when I can. I know that I neglect my legs. If I hired a personal trainer wold they help me with workouts that developed my legs but didn't risk injuring my knee?
A good trainer can, but be careful with who you select, ask plenty of questions and check their level of qualifications.

I am not quite sure of who the best certifications are from in the US as I am Australian, however over here looking for somebody who is university qualified is the best option as many cert 3 or IV qualified trainers are worthless
I'd strongly recommend a physiotherapist looking at your injury. Even a Level 4 qualified PT might not be qualified enough to help! Good luck :)
A personal trainer is skilled enough to realize what exercises are dangerous for your specific situation. Depending on your capacity, exercise background and fitness goals, a personal trainer can help reduce the possibility of an injury because of poorly structured exercise