Ok, I've done this program 3 years ago and am ready to go again. I started today. I've been doing the southbeach diet for 6weeks and did well on it. However, I like this program. I KNOW you are suppose to eat carbs with every meal, HOWEVER....I'm not keen on jumping back into them so much. I will eat the toast and oatmeal in the morning..that sort of thing..but I'm afraid to eat potates, rice and pasta....Is there anyway ..I mean ANYWAY at all this program will work without these items. I eat lots and lots of protein balanced with vegetables..and I will eat the shakes and bars.....I just find that carbs dont' agree with me and they make me sleepy. I suppose I could just try it for a month on this program and see if it works without those carbs......unless someone knows for sure if IT SIMPLY won't work and I won't loose weight without them. Excercise and Weights aren't a problem for me...thanks..