Do I need something for my hamstrings?

I have no equipment, so I'm now doing more limited exercises. I'm doing some kind of equivalent of bench presses and rows with resistance bands for my upper body, and for my lower body I'm doing squats and calf raises.

I'm not doing any exercise for my hamstrings, though. Will this lack of hamstring exercise lead to injury or some kind of problem? Keep in mind that I'm not trying to gain weight. I'm doing this stuff mainly to try and maintain a bit of muscle as I lose weight, and also to get a bit of interval training in my day.

If I need a hamstring exercise, can some recommend me something that I can do with either resistance bands or no equipment at all? And if that's not possible, can you recommend me something that can be done with a very simple, easy obtain piece of equipment that I can use to do my hamstring exercise in my room?
its not necessary to specifically target the hamstrings in this instance, you should look at entire lower body exercises like squats or what i prefer is hindu squats. you can check out my blog for home workouts as i workout with minimal equipment. here are the links,

for hindu squats:
[link removed]

for home workouts in general:
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