Do I have to take Creatine w/ juice??

I bought Creatine for the first time a few weeks ago. I was going to get the plain and simple kind, with no calories. The guy at the store (apparently a very knowledgable trainer) told me to take it with grape or apple juice. He said it is neccessary to have sugar with the serving.

Is this valid?? Will the creatine not work the same if mixed with water or a lite juice that has no sugar in it???
It's not necessary for creatine to do its thing, especially if you're taking it every day, but it can help. A cup of juice really isn't a big deal either way, so unless you're on an ultra low-carb diet, I'd recommend just going ahead and taking the guy's advice.
Grape or apple is fine, but stay away from any form of citrus, it'll turn the creatine into waste in your body.
Mine already comes in my protein mix.