Do I have to do cardio?

I wasnt really bothered with how long i could run b4 im out of breath, Im just really concerned about getting a bit of definition etc. However Ive noticed now that im able to do more pushups than i was before that im just as tired (out of breath) after doing them, but my musces dont feel that sore

Is it in my mind or do i need to get fitter?

(yes i do none)
nobody want to update me?
The purpose of running itself is not going to burn many calories and cut you up as many people think, unless you are running ridiculous distances. The point is mainely to improve your cardiac output which will decrease blood pressure and heart rate will steadily fall as more oxygen is utilized with every beat. What you are actually doing is opening up more mitochandria in your muscle cells and THIS is what burns more calories, the more you have open, the more energy you can utilize.

Running will definitely get you ripped, if you are not concerned about how tired you get after a jog then you are not concerned about losing weight, the reason you are fatigued is because your body is not utilizing oxygen fast enough, your heart cannot pump the O2 efficiently enough and your muscle cells cannot utilize the O2 fast enough. If I were you I would simply just...keep..running...
The purpose of running itself is not going to burn many calories and cut you up as many people think, unless you are running ridiculous distances. The point is mainely to improve your cardiac output which will decrease blood pressure and heart rate will steadily fall as more oxygen is utilized with every beat. What you are actually doing is opening up more mitochandria in your muscle cells and THIS is what burns more calories, the more you have open, the more energy you can utilize.

Running will definitely get you ripped, if you are not concerned about how tired you get after a jog then you are not concerned about losing weight, the reason you are fatigued is because your body is not utilizing oxygen fast enough, your heart cannot pump the O2 efficiently enough and your muscle cells cannot utilize the O2 fast enough. If I were you I would simply just...keep..running...

Can you clarify some typos in second paragraph please?

I know the purpose of cardio/running is to strenghten heart/lungs and allow you to breath slower, what I am asking is is it nessecary to do a certain amount of cardio to become ripped or if you can do without
You can get ripped without doing cardio, yes.

If push ups are causing you to be out of breath, I wouldn't necessarily conclude that cardiovascular fitness is your problem. It could be happening because you are doing them quickly, making it a bit of an aerobic activity as well as a strength training one.

It could be that you are failing to breathe during the push ups. If you hold your breath, that's going to be more and more of a problem for you as you increase your reps.

Also, maybe it just is what it is. Some sets make me out of breath if they are very difficult. I ran a half marathon last year and currently do HIIT three days a week. So, it's not that I'm unfit. Some sets are just hard.
I am not sure of your question. If you want to do triathlons or half marathons, you need to do cardio. If you want to be fit and healthy you probably need to do some cardio. If you want to be able to do pushups without getting gased, you do not need to do cardio. I am an Ironman triathlete. If I lift heavy weights at or near my 1RM, my heart rate spikes and I am completely breathless afterward.

And the best way to get ripped, is to stay out of the dining room.
Thanks guys, question answered :)