Do I change my supplement program?

I have accomplished significant fat loss over the last 4 months by sticking with an aggressive training program. Recently Ive stayed off from all supplements for a month on a cycle off period. Ive reached my goal with
regards to weight loss but I certainly would like to gain muscle mass and I believe Ive gotten a little too thin. I dont want to leave my dietary weight loss supplement as I still have some work especially midsection. I hope you could answer these 2 Questions for me.

1. Can I add Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine to my existing supplment intake that includes Hot-Rox Extreme, Whey and Vitamins going forward?

2. Is there anything detrimental in keeping up with Hotrox if my goal going forward is to gain leanmass and not lose body weight?

Height 5.6
Jul 2006 : 174Lbs
Current : 152Lbs

Please help.
not sure what that hotrox stuff is, but u can keep taking creatine , everyday, doesnt do ur body any damage at all. no need to cycle it
All you need to do is to keep with 5g creatine a day, don't worry about cycling or loading, use whey powder if you need to fill in the extra gaps that whole food cannot cover due to your schedule or the such, and keep on continuing taking your vitamins along with maybe some fish oil. Don't worry about Glutamine or HotRox, you are just wasting your money.