Do certain foods bloat you?


New member
I think I've heard certain foods can cause the stomach to look more bloated than usual - can someone let me know what these foods are and why?
It's most bad digestion. Have a look here:

Well I don't think I actually am bloated - I just want to try minimize my stomach as much as poss and wondered if any of the foods I'm eating are adding to my stomach lmao x
Hi Lisa!
If you feel bloated there is defenetly some problem in your digestive system.
It could be caused by stress, bad nutritional habits, lack of sleep, small amount of water intake, constipation, etc. All of these reasons make you acidic, which means that there is a process of decay or you can call it fermentation. Most of the people have it. It's similar to cavities.The bad micro-organisms make your own immune system starting a fight against them, so your good micro organisms are incresed, too. They poo and pee, as well like any other living organism. The acidity brings bigger amount of water right there where the problem is trying to neutrilize the acidity. The problem is that this is a perfect environment for the "bad guys" to reproduce themselves. Looks like viscious cycle. The solution is to avoid pre-cooked, prefried, spoiled food and sugar, anything which is fermented. Teach your body how to eliminate on time and try to eat more raw food.
I can talk for ever. The point is to help you, so fruits and vegs are the best, meet and diary products are not good. I hope this will kick start you.
I have irritable bowel syndrome and YES a lot of foods bloat me, including meat, dairy (except yoghurt), coffee, gluten and spicy food.