Discouraged because of stretchmarks?

Does anyone else feel discouraged because of stretch marks?

I'm still i the process of losing, but I'm so discouraged because of my stretch marks. It's at the point which makes me want to give up.

I was 270 and I need to be around 160... I'm at 200 but I'm starting to get discouraged because I look in the mirror and see these ugly stretch marks.

Does anyone else have this issue?
Mine actually encourage me, seeing them go from red to start to fade to looking like they're getting a scrunched up because youre losing fat.

You've lost a lot of weight, so dont be discouraged, they'll fade eventually and your skin will tighten up. Just keep going!! You can do it :)
Stretch marks are minor. The fact is that you are at a healthier weight and therefore much more likely to have a long and healthy life. It doesnt matter what marks are on your skin if you are in a grave or in pain from having either joint problems from too much strain or weak after a heart attack.

They often fade in time - and you can get creams to help them to fade.

I have plenty of stretch marks and loose skin. I am looking into surgery for the loose skin. I am still so pleased that I have lost the weight.
I dunno ... would you rather be fat or have stretch marks?

Personally, I'll chose the stretch marks over weighing 250 lbs any day. But that's just me. Stretch marks don't keep me from being able to climb a flight of stairs or make me embarrassed that I can't fit in the movie theater seat or make me wear a size 24 pants with elastic waists or mean that my gut sticks out past my boobs. Stretch marks don't make people stare at me when I order an ice cream cone, or make me feel self conscious about wearing a tshirt because it shows my rolls of fat, or make me feel ugly because I can't find a cute dress in my size. Stretch marks don't keep me from bending over to tie my shoes like a "normal" person, or make it hard for me to get up off the floor, or make me out of breath when I carry my groceries in from the parking lot.

I guess if you really want to be discouraged by stretch marks, give up, and stay fat, that's your choice.

It's absolutely not a choice I'd make. I'll take stretch marks and saggy skin over fat any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

My skin is full of stretch marks, and parts of my body look like an old balloon that is slowly losing air. Not nice, but certainly better than the alternative.

A few days back I was in a theme park for the first time in 20 years. Well, the first time that I could go on any of the rides anyway, because before, I wouldn't be able to get into the seats, or close the security bars and stuff. It was embarassing. Before that, I was looking into the mirror thinking 'Boy, this is even uglier than before'. Now I'm thinking 'Screw the way it looks, I feel pretty damn good, and I can even ride a rollercoaster!!'

I love my stretchmarks and my saggy boobs and everything, because they are proof for how far I've come with my weightloss. :)
ya know, stretch marks are never part of the package that the weightloss stories you read advertise... but they are a part of weightloss for *most* people....

i do get discouraged by the stretch marks i have on my upper thighs, inner thighs, and rear end... but hey... think of them as battle scars someone once told me... battle scars... and you won the battle!!! :)

My skin is full of stretch marks, and parts of my body look like an old balloon that is slowly losing air. Not nice, but certainly better than the alternative.

HAHAHAHAHA, an old balloon.

I have stretch marks on my arms, by my armpitty area, and I have some stretch marks all over my fat stomach. Sure, they look really stupid, but there's nothing I can really do about it, you know? So, I don't worry about it too much. I'm losing weight and getting healthy - that's all that matters.
Thanks everyone. I know this sounds werid but knowing your not alone in this really helps. It's nice to have such a positive atmosphere to get encouragement.
The mental game is a hard one. But just look at it logically, would you rather be fat and have stretch marks, or just have stretch marks? I suppose there's no wrong answer, but I know what I'd choose.
I dunno ... would you rather be fat or have stretch marks?

huh? you guys must have it easy because I never had the option of an either or.

I have stretch marks literally everywhere. Fortunately now, most of them are faded. When I was in high school, it was really bad. I had them on my gut, my man boobs, underneath my armpit the whole way down the side of my body to my sides and around to my back. My arms... oh my... I got them on my biceps from my armpit to my elbow, and some on the inside of my forarm near my elbow. I never wore sleevless shirts even for summer workouts, and always tried to hide my arms. There was this girl I had a huge crush on in high school that I stood next to in choir, and I was always more comfortable in winter when I could wear long sleeved shirts and sweaters. Whenever I was wearing short sleeved, I would get so anxious hoping she wouldn't see the stretch marks on my arms. I even have stretch marks on my knees.

The worst part about it is my complexion in pretty pasty - I can get some tan, but I'm mostly pretty white. In HS, ALL those stretch marks I just mentioned were bright pink and red! It was horrible... you think having to take off your shirt in front of people is bad enough when you're just fat - try doing it when you look like a pink and pale zebra! At least though, I was sorta one of the cool kids in HS. Not really in the "most popular clique", but I pretty much got along with everybody equally, so I didn't really get ridiculed too much for it, and when people did see me with my shirt off, most just asked what they were, if they hurt, and what causes them.

Nowadays, things aren't so bad. Over time, and with some weight loss, ALL of my marks have faded to my skin color. I don't yet have that wrinkly stretched skin look yet because I still have a bunch of fat I have to lose, but my stretch marks right now are so much better than they used to be that its a non issue. You can't even really tell they're there if you're looking at me from a distance, and if my wife notices them, she's never made any comments that gave away that she cares, even when I was gaining weight a couple years ago and they started turning pink again.

So basically, the choice for me was fat with bright pink highly noticeable stretch marks, or slimmer with faded, possibly wrinkly stretch marks... I think its pretty much a no brainer, and no cause for discouragement for me.
Hell i got stretch marks on my stretch marks, I know even if mine dont fade I will be ok with that because I am not trying to impress anyone but myself!
I got tons of them. I got over caring about them a few years ago. Being healthy is what is important, not how you look.