Weight-Loss Digital Scales



New member
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good digital scales? I want to buy one so I can fix my portions but I'm not sure what to get or what to look for. I have never actually corrected myself portion-wise before so all this is new to me.
The one I use for food is a 20$ Wal-Mart. IMO that is all that is needed for food. It measures to 2g or 1/8 oz. 2 grams is almost nothing so I believe it is good enough. I have a 100$ scale that I use to make soap that measure to like .10 grams. That is pretty silly when you are talking about food though. Even with the 2 gram scale I feel a little silly when I take off a piece of meat the size of a raisin to get the portion I want. Is that 1 grams of chicken going to hurt me? I will sacrifice that little overage or underage to speed up the process. I can imagine trying to measure something like ice cream to a 1 gram accuracy.
Most scales for kitchen purposes are going to be fairly accurate -
or close enough anyhow

you want one that's easy clean up though - or at least keep wax paper around so you're not putting raw meat on it...
The one I use for food is a 20$ Wal-Mart. IMO that is all that is needed for food. It measures to 2g or 1/8 oz. 2 grams is almost nothing so I believe it is good enough. I have a 100$ scale that I use to make soap that measure to like .10 grams. That is pretty silly when you are talking about food though. Even with the 2 gram scale I feel a little silly when I take off a piece of meat the size of a raisin to get the portion I want. Is that 1 grams of chicken going to hurt me? I will sacrifice that little overage or underage to speed up the process. I can imagine trying to measure something like ice cream to a 1 gram accuracy.

:rofl: No I can't imagine myself being like that. Ohhh...ok, maybe the first week. I think I'll have a lot of fun with it. I'm going to weigh my kid's food out before I put it on the plates for the proper portion. I remember my mom throwing huge portions on my plate and I've been like that as well. I really want to start teaching them now rather than watch them struggle later on. I guess I'll go over to Target and check out what they have. I am liking the salter suggestion on the post but I'm not sure I have enough in my budget for it right now. If what I get isn't good enough I'll probably go buy that one later on.