Difficult to run long distance, legs are bulky

I have always had very muscular & bulky legs, probably with big bones as well. This makes it difficult for me to run long distances due to the trucks that are my legs. I am on a weight loss & toning program at the moment and I was wondering if there are some good cardio exercises other than running that are nearly as effective, but can deal with my bulky legs as well. Thanks.
Definately no expert, but rowing is an excellent cardio that will actually work far more than your legs.

Just a thought--
If your legs are bulky then the exersice is harder therefore better and more effective!!! And yes rowing is very good (I do 30min rowing a day)
its funny how i posted this, ran at the gym and actually ran for the first time in my life...a mile nonstop, 1.2miles of str8 running to be exact.
You can also try the elliptical trainer as well. It is a good combo of leg and upper body workout and can be more intense over short distances, when compared with running.