Sport Dietary Vices - Can you please help?

Sport Fitness
I'm not an expert but I have had good experiences with fat loss in the past. I'm just giving you my answers based on my experiences.

1- milk, i have this with cereal and protein shakes/smoothies. i have the semi skimmed (half fat) milk as ive always believed it to be very healthy. But is the fat content too high? hope not.

** Milk is good for you. I'm assuming semi skimmed is the same as 2% fat in the states? If so, I think that is fine.

2- cereal, (weetabix, shredded wheat, porridge, original cheerios) i eat every morning but also late at night before bed. i have heard you should sleep hungry in order for muscles to repair etc. is cereal ok or should i cut out completely?

** I personally wouldn't eat cereal right before bed. I only have protein (and maybe green vegetables) right before bed.

3- peanut butter - wholenut variety, yay or nay?

** Good but don't eat too much...I always overdo it with the peanut butter!

4- bread - how much is ok? i only have pita bread or wholemeal/granary, pita is quite high in protein so i tend to choose them at lunches.

** I think a couple of pieces of bread are okay as long as they're whole grain

6- how big is a small dinner when eating 6 smaller meals a day? its hard to break the big meal tea time habit. plus i eat a bit later as im at the gym till 8.30 to 9.

** I usually eat a small chicken breast (or some other source of protein) and some green vegetables for dinner (~200 calories)

7 - whats the best way to arrange a diet so as to tone muscle but also burn fat? do i eat more on weight training days and less on fat burning days? should i always have the whey protein after every workout inc. fat burning?

** I eat more on weight training days because I'm hungrier on weight training days. The protein is especially important after weight training workouts but I also have it on my cardio days.

8- if i do cheat occasionally (ie snickers bar, extra bowl cereal, couple of sweets/mints etc) does it write off all the good work done that day? this isnt often but the cravings come and go!

** No, a snickers bar won't write off all that you did the rest of the day! That would be horrible if that were true!! :eek: I think it's best for your sanity to give yourself a little room to cheat. Don't beat yourself up about it. I did that for many years and I ended up don't want to do that!!

I didn't answer all of your questions but I answered as many as I could. Hope it helps a little...

My best advice is to not overanalyze everything. Eat when you're hungry, get enough protein, give yourself room for cheating, drink a lot of water!! :)

Being hungry at night is not good for your muscles at all.
Do you want to risk that your body starts to burn muscle for energy?
Catabolic stuff is your enemy! Never ever get hungry!
So eat, but eat wisely. Eat something without carbs and slow to digest. Carbs are bad for being at rest so choose something as low in carbs as possible. Most BB'ers that I know religiously eat a small cup of curds an hour or so before bedtime claiming it's the ideal stuff for nightly digesting.
And when waking up immediately fill your tummy with quick to digest proteins. Whey is perfect, but milk is good too.

Wholenut peanut butter? Dunno, I hope it doesn't include the shells....but at least go for the 100% peanuts peanutbutter, it's full of proteins and fantastic for making sateh sauce! (drools)
Basic sateh sauce:
- a cup or two of water or milk
- a good squirt of soysauce/ketjap
- sambal or minced chilipeppers
- some spoons full of peanut butter
- a tablespoon wheat or soywheat

You put the liquid on the fire and you add above ingredients. Stir steadily to make the peanut butter divide itself evenly in the sauce.
Check with a teaspoon if it's the right taste. You will know what to add when you don't like the taste yet.
You will know there isn't enough soysauce if the color is too light.
Chilipeppers are best when you add them last and don't heat them too much.
Go very easy on the wheat. It's only job is to make the sauce thick and consistant and this will only happen if it has been heated for a while after it is mixed in.

In time you will know what your preferences are.
Everyone likes their satehsauce in different amounts of the ingredients.
Don't worry. It will work.
The worst that can happen is that you get too much sauce.No problem: just save the left overs for another day in the fridge or the freezer. :)