Sport Diet to cut fat

Sport Fitness
Ok I am on a Monday Wednesday and Friday HIIT routine to cut body fat. I have about 170 to 185 pounds of muscle and I currently weigh in at 225 pounds. Here is my diet.

Beginning Day Meal: 2 eggs cooked on griddle.

Mid Day Meal: IF I am feeling hungry I’ll eat a raw potato or a bowl of cereal with 2% milk

End Day Meal: Two chicken legs, or steak, or two ribs, or one plate of pasta. If I have meat such as chicken, steak, or some other meat product then I will add a raw potato to the meal.

Entire Day: Two or more liters of water.

My question is will this diet cause me to burn to much muscle? The diet has caused a five pound drop in just one week, and I am wondering what I could do to ensure minimal muscle loss. Would adding in Whey protein mix drinks throughout the day be ok?
Low in calories
Low in protein
Low in EFAs
Low in veggies

Use it for a bit to get a feel for what you're putting in your mouth.

Are you lifting weights?

That's a lot of HIIT on low calories.
your diet needs a ton of work, most cereal is horrible for you, alot of refined sugar (go w/oatmeal or somethin) and 2%milk has alot of sat fat try skim or 1%, 2 eggs has about 15gfat and 150%cholesterol:mad:
have egg whites/beaters that way you can have more and get more protein which this diet is definitely lacking. on top of the eggs you need a good complex carb try adding some fruit and vegetables or even something whole grain. You need more beneficial calories. Dont ever skip a meal at lunch add some veggies and protein like can tuna or something, the raw potato isnt that bad, some people dont eat them because they have a higher GI but i dont have a problem w/ them but you could always trade in for yams but you need a protein!!! At dinner I would opt for boneless (grilled not fried) chicken breasts. Steak and ribs tend to carry a lot of sat fat save those for cheat meals,except groundbeef thats 90/10 or less fat isnt bad, that pasta better be whole grain and I would take out the potato and have some lean dairy(1% or less) or veggies. ADD more meals
you really need to get more protein, more fruits and veggies, lean dairy, and choose your calories wisely im sure you were getting enough cals from you dinner but it probably wasnt good cals. if you dont change your diet not only will you have trouble cutting you WILL lose your muscle ohh i almost forgot if you dropped 5lb in 1 week it was probably mostly muscle/water weight an dyou probably didnt lose anyfat. look around at the posts/stickies, totally revamp your entire strategy and then ask more specific questions because you need a lot of help!!!
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I understand what you are saying but according to my nutritionist my diet is only deficient in the protein department. She also made some sense when she said I need to a better diet plan when I get closer to 10%-15% body fat. I do have a regular check up once a week and measured every week by the doctor. She didn’t seem at all concerned about the five pound weight loss. SO I just figured I would post here and get opinions. Sorry I forgot to mention I am on a vitamin supplement from GNC.
Wow, I suggest you find another nutritionist to be honest. That diet is very weak... it doesn't take a professional to see this.

If you're content though, and you trust your nutritionist.... all the more power to you. I'm just suggesting my take on it is all.
So how does GNC multi vit fair against the old fasion way? Honestly I do not have the time to break my meals into five or six and Usually the two meals I eat everyday do keep me filled.

The diet I posted isn't my long term diet. I just need to cut the fat away fast so I can be back on track. It sucks not being able to workout for a little over two years after beign medically discharged from the Army.

You guys are right about my diet though. I failed to inform my doc that I was doing HIIT. I wasn't to sure if that would have made a difference in her plan. She only wanted me doing normal cardio, but I am hard headed.
So how does GNC multi vit fair against the old fasion way?

Not very well IMO. A supplemental vitamin should supplement a good diet. You can't out-supplement a bad diet though.

Honestly I do not have the time to break my meals into five or six and Usually the two meals I eat everyday do keep me filled.

I don't believe anyone said you have to eat 5-6 meals per day... I know I didn't.

The diet I posted isn't my long term diet. I just need to cut the fat away fast so I can be back on track. It sucks not being able to workout for a little over two years after beign medically discharged from the Army.

The more extreme the route you chose to cut the fat, the more careful you need to be to assure adequate amounts of the essentials.

You guys are right about my diet though. I failed to inform my doc that I was

And frankly, I'm still surprised your nutritionist is saying this is a good diet.
the five to six meals a day is something I was reading in a sticky. I guess I will go a head and add in a whey protein drink for mid day and one to drink right after my workout.

I never had oatmeal before so I will have to give that a try also. Back in the Army it was so easy to bulk and cut. Three good meals and all the free weights you would need.
the five to six meals a day is something I was reading in a sticky.

The more meals the better IMO, but that doesn't mean everyone must do it to be successful. As a matter of fact I've realized equal success personally using 3 vs. 6 meals.

Total calorie and macronutrient intake are what matters most in the end.

I guess I will go a head and add in a whey protein drink for mid day and one to drink right after my workout.

Don't go throwing stuff in there with no rhyme or reason.

I'd supplement the diet with some fish oil pills.

I'd add veggies, a healthy dose of them, to each meal. They can be eaten cold mind you... you don't have to spend a ton of time preparing.

And yea, protein shakes, if that's the only way to get your intake up, would probably benefit you as well.
Ok, Im 67" tall and 225 pounds. I have around 175 to 180 pound of lean mass. If I were to use Monday and Friday as my HIIT days and Wens as my regular workout day what kind of diet would work for me? Like how many cals, proteins, carbs, ect in each meal. I really need something simple due to my busy lifestyle.

I guess I should nsay that I only spend about 40 minutes total in the gym. Five to Ten minutes warming up.
I'm as busy as they get... I'm sure we're all busy. I manage a financial advising firm, I own and operate a personal training business, and I train for a local gym. Married, own a home, pets, blah, blah blah. Pretty much any young person who gives a damn nowadays is butt busy.... it's the nature of this society. I'm not trying to judge.... I'm just saying it's possible to eat well even with a full schedule. It just takes a little planning and preparation.

I'm a fan of using very simplistic methods of determining maintenance intake... where calories in = calories out.

Something like 12-16 calories per pound is a very roundabout estimation. You're probably somewhere around 14, and that's taking into account a moderate level of exercise.

From there, you cut based on what you can realistically stick with consistently. An important point to remember though is cutting drastically off maintenance normally doesn't turn out so well for most.

I'd say a good starting point would be something like a 20-30% reduction.

It's not like you're signing a contract. You set your caloric goal, you monitor progress (ideally through measurements) and adjust accordingly.

Once your caloric goal is set, you need to fill in the gaps.... those gaps being what you'll physically be putting in your mouth.

I like to shoot for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. This should come from primarily from the good stuff; eggs, cottage cheese, chicken and turkey breast, pork tenderloin, lean ground beef, top round and flank steaks, fish, whey, etc.

Something like .25 - .5 grams of fats per pound of body weight is a good ballpark. This should come primarily from things like fish, fish oil pills, avocados, nuts, flax, extra virgin olive oil, natty peanut butter, etc.

And the rest can come from carbs, more fats, or a combo.

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of carb = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories.

That's about as simple as you get.... down and dirty.
Ok I am on a Monday Wednesday and Friday HIIT routine to cut body fat. I have about 170 to 185 pounds of muscle and I currently weigh in at 225 pounds. Here is my diet.

Beginning Day Meal: 2 eggs cooked on griddle.

Mid Day Meal: IF I am feeling hungry I’ll eat a raw potato or a bowl of cereal with 2% milk

End Day Meal: Two chicken legs, or steak, or two ribs, or one plate of pasta. If I have meat such as chicken, steak, or some other meat product then I will add a raw potato to the meal.

Entire Day: Two or more liters of water.

My question is will this diet cause me to burn to much muscle? The diet has caused a five pound drop in just one week, and I am wondering what I could do to ensure minimal muscle loss. Would adding in Whey protein mix drinks throughout the day be ok?

My opinion..... terrible diet.

Only 3 meals per day with very low calories, and if you are eating so few calories I wouldn't have any of them being junk food, like that cereal you are eating.

Yeah, you will more than likely burn a lot of muscle with a diet like this.

You need to eat more and eat more often.... this would be a good diet for a morbidly obese person...
your diet needs a ton of work, most cereal is horrible for you, alot of refined sugar (go w/oatmeal or somethin) and 2%milk has alot of sat fat try skim or 1%, 2 eggs has about 15gfat and 150%cholesterol:mad:
have egg whites/beaters that way you can have more and get more protein which this diet is definitely lacking. on top of the eggs you need a good complex carb try adding some fruit and vegetables or even something whole grain. You need more beneficial calories. Dont ever skip a meal at lunch add some veggies and protein like can tuna or something, the raw potato isnt that bad, some people dont eat them because they have a higher GI but i dont have a problem w/ them but you could always trade in for yams but you need a protein!!! At dinner I would opt for boneless (grilled not fried) chicken breasts. Steak and ribs tend to carry a lot of sat fat save those for cheat meals,except groundbeef thats 90/10 or less fat isnt bad, that pasta better be whole grain and I would take out the potato and have some lean dairy(1% or less) or veggies. ADD more meals
you really need to get more protein, more fruits and veggies, lean dairy, and choose your calories wisely im sure you were getting enough cals from you dinner but it probably wasnt good cals. if you dont change your diet not only will you have trouble cutting you WILL lose your muscle ohh i almost forgot if you dropped 5lb in 1 week it was probably mostly muscle/water weight an dyou probably didnt lose anyfat. look around at the posts/stickies, totally revamp your entire strategy and then ask more specific questions because you need a lot of help!!!

i agree with more protein, but i think you can eat quite a few eggs, ribs or whhatever i dont have a problem with sat. fats.
no nutritionist should ever tell you to worry about something farther down the road if you make better decisions now there will be nothing to worry about at the end, right!!! As for the sat fats, their ok in a reasonable amt but dont you think your better off using the calories for the ESSENTIAL fatty acids like your omega 3's and 6's to be honest I cant believe that any nutritionist would approve, how tall are you 225 doesnt sound like a morbidly obese case so nothing drastic needs to be done and 5lbs a week is way too much no nutritionist in their right mind should allow this unless the benefits outweigh the risks and in this case they dont not even close. Sorry about trashing your nutrionist but as a med student it really bothers me when professionals dont do their job.
Turns out it was three pounds lost and two pounds came back as body water. What I am being told by my doctor is that I am 67inchs tall and 227 pounds as of now. I will agree that I am not getting enough macronutrient. Over the course of my enlistment in the Army my body does respond better to three meals a day.
Something I should have made clearer is that I have COPD. My HIIT doesn’t compare to a normal person’s HIIT since I have about 40% breathing volume as a normal person. With my condition I usually get a full checkup every other week right now by the VA. The check up also checks for weight loss, and muscle loss is something they are watching for. Even during my enlistment my body has always responded well to a major deficiency with the aid of mega man multi vit, whey protein, muscle milk, and during bulking I would add CE2 and NO2.
ok well something make a litle more sense now well the best advice I can give you is pack your diet whether 3 or 6 meals a day with nutritional foods, also understand that since you have copd you have to watch your protein intake and muscle degeneration so before you go on any sort of diet I would ask a doctor but the stuff you were eating before wasnt that great so anyting would probably be and improvement and just remember that most results will come from diet.