Sport Diet to cut BF%????

Sport Fitness
Im trying to cut my BF% down! I do not want to be bulky by all means I just need to get some of my excess BF off from my pergnancy.

Should I be on a low fat diet or should I just watch my calorie intake like I am currently doing? I love my red velvet holiday cake :rolleyes: but if i eat it then I usually have that for a meal! I know that is sad, but im trying to watch my Calories.
Wish I were at your weight. I'm 16 at 138-140 and 5"5 so I think you're quite alright
sebani stop lloking at the scales and look in the mirror. i'm the same height as you and i weight 125lbs lol i seem to have gained around 5lbs since starting my new workout haha. kaggie give yourself some time it took 9 full months for your body to stretch out give it some time to knitt back together, it could just be that your soft and not neccessarily high in body fat. what what you eat in that eat good food 5 to 6 times aday. a clean diet with eating at 3 hour intervals will keep the glucose from being stored as fat and allow your body's metabloism to be greater. exercise and diet work together but diet is sooo very very important, if thats not good no amount of exercise will get you where you want to be..
Sebani I am not trying to loose weight sweetie.. Im trying to build muscle! Don't stress about your weight just strive harder.

Thanks, Jenn I'm going to have to cut out the sweets and sugars yumm my favorite! When you say, "soft instead of high in bodyfat" what do you mean by that?
your muscles are weak not hardened up so your aim should be hitting the weights and building the muscles. when i had my boys i thought even though i lost all the weight i still had fat i was wrong. the muscles where just soft-weak, when i hit the weights again the results were awesome. haha with my new routine i'll reach my strentgh goals and be ready for cuba in good time.. so what i was asking is that are you sure its fat and not just loose weak muscles???