Sport Diet Tips Please :-)

Sport Fitness
I am 21 yrs old, 5'6 and currently about 128 lbs. I am having trouble finding a good diet to stick to, I don't eat much meat besides chicken but I do enjoy fruits and veggies. Right now my diet usually consists of: Oat meal (low sugar quaker-1 pack) for breakfast, Lean Cuisine for lunch w/ rice cakes for an afternoon snack, and my dinner varies (I eat whatever my mom cooks!) usually chicken with rice and green beans or some other veggie/side.
What I am really looking for is an easy way to get my protein, maybe you could recommend a protein bar or shake, and improve my diet. I am looking to fit into my jeans again- I think I have gained about 10 lbs. and I would really like to get back down to my normal weight. I do use the Elliptical machine about 4-5 times a week and I do squats and lunges along with that.
Any ideas...I need improvement!
skip the protein bars. shakes are fine, but try to look for one that's whey and casien protein.

1% cottage cheese is good for protein adn more filling than a shake. add some Fiber One cereal to it for added fiber (few poeple eat enough daily fiber).
Egg whites are also cheap protein...and you can add 1 egg yolk to improve teh flavor and texture. I like mine scrambled, but they make a good omlet too.

Squats and lunges are good, but you cannot spot reduce the fat in your buns and legs. therefore I recommend more weight training for the rest of your body. Lifting weights burns a TON of calories...far more than you'd realize (a half hour of vigorous weight training is about 250calories burned...about the same as 30 mins of eliptical...except the eliptical won't build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body uses to maintain that muscle, making fat loss a little easier).