I am not trying to start any arguments, just clear things up.
Hi, Larrabee.
First things first... thank you for reading my 5 tips to fat loss and providing your views and opinions. I am not plugging my site. The exercises and information are free. I spend an hour a day on this board helping people. No money is earned.
Its great you are helping, it just depends if the advice is worth the time to post. I just had some issues with your comments.
And quite honestly if fitness.com has a problem with the amount of time I spend here offering free advice... they can contact me directly. In fact, they have. And guess what... they never said a word about my link to my site. They offered nothing but praise.
Drinking water throughout the day is recommended. I disagree with the ice water comment. However, most people reading this forum, and in particular this thread, are new to fat loss. So I provide the 5 tips to help them get started.
If you are trying to lose weight it helps to drink ice water because your body will in turn burn more caloires to heat that water up. Not many calories, but every bit helps.
I never said you need a day of sitting on the couch.
You mis-labeled HIIT. HIIT is NOT for everyone, and in fact should be used no more than a few times per week only by those that can handle it. HIIT is 30 second intervals of a 1:1 or 2 ratio of hard/easy intervals. Anything not in a 1:1 or 2 ratio is NOT HIIT... it may be HIT which is a whole other beast.
The poster is not very overweight and there is no reason everyone but people with heart conditions can not do HIIT. Even new comers can jump on a stationary bike and do HIIT and it is perfectly safe.
Dismissing low intensity cardio is wrong. Many many many people need low intensity cardio for many many many reasons.
Which are? Only if you are 60 or more lbs overweight. You get heart health benifits from HIIT too! Not to mention the benifits of weight lifting
If you know anything about me, then you would know that I always say women need to workout with weights and not be afraid of bulking up. I also say that women can use the same routines as men. My site that offers fitness.com forum readers exercises... is geared towards women because that's who I train in the real world.
Women, athletes, models, and more. Men have enough bodybuilding/weight lifting sites. I wanted to a site for the average woman.
agreed as well
I am trying not to take offense to your post, but I find it awfully presumptuous of you to start posting here and blast 5 general health and fitness tips for newbies... you have no idea how many times I have received private "Thank You" messages... let alone those ones posted here on the forums.
Well, if I feel the info is not very clear then I feel I must post to correct or more so clarify the information. I am sorry if it sounded like attacking you. I am just very passionate about fitness.
No hard feelings, Larrabee. Just take some time to get to know the forum before you go blasting one of the main contributors.
I think I did an ok job in one day with over 100 posts. At least you must admit this place needs cleaning up. There is some bad advice being spread around, and I do not mean yours.
Take care,