diet pills

I don't think any of them really work. I wouldn't waste my money. Looking at your signature I can see that you're making good progress. What have you been doing to lose that weight? Why not just keep it up? You'll be at your goal weight before you know it if you don't give up.
I do believe they are a waste of money, mostly because even if they do help you lose weight, im sure as soon as you dont take them anymore and there isn't anything "extra" to give your metabolism a boost or whatever type of angle your taking, your just going to be back where you started... thats my thought anyway...
However, I know what temptation your feeling... right now I feel like I would do anything to make the numbers on my scale change... even for a little while and even if for only 5-10 pounds... It's hard at times to take into consideration common sence over your immediate desires.... :rolleyes:
SO true...ugh! I know its a waste but Its the whole "placebo" effect, maybe.

If you want the placebo effect, just take a tic tac a day and pretend it's a diet pill.

Unless you go to a doctor and handle it through that, I wouldn't risk a diet pill to lose more weight. You don't know the effects and at best, it won't have an effect on you. At worst, you can have a weird allergic reaction to one of the ingredients.

Change up your exercise or diet -- sometimes, our bodies get used to the same exercise and become more efficient at it. Otherwise, sometimes just tracking the food you're consuming again might show you where extra calories are sneaking in.
i've only had two experiences with diet pils and both were not good! the first one was when i was 18 and obsessed with weight. i started taking dexatrim to keep from gaining weight (i was only 5'5" and 116 at the time). after 3 weeks i ended up in the hospital with viral encephalitis. i was in a coma for a week! i know the diet pills did not cause the viral encephalitis, but i wonder if they helped to weaken my immune system!!

my second experience was just recently (about 5 months ago). i decided to try hydroxycut to help me lose 20 pounds. i was 145 pounds when i started. i started out taking just 1 pill twice a day, then after a week increased to 2 pills twice a day. i lost about 6 pounds in the first few weeks, but started getting headaches and feeling very anxious and jittery so i stopped taking them and then gained the 6 pounds back!!!

i now know that NO diet pill is going to help me lose weight permanently!! it is a lifestyle change and the only way to achieve permanent weight loss is to decrease my calories and increase my exercise!! SO EASY TO SAY BUT SO HARD TO DO!!!

so i say, don't waste your money!!
Read the instructions that come with every diet pill... It will tell you that the pill works in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise..

Guess what.. Sensible diet and exercise work on their own..
and searching this forum for diet pills would have found this topic already beaten into the ground -the only people who really support the use of diet pills around here are those that are selling them :D
i was wondering how everyone felt about diet pills? im really tempted to buy some, but know on some level its a waste of money. if im going to buy a bottle, i'd like to buy one that really works, or helps with weight loss a lot...any input on the subject is welcomed.

There is only one 100% helper:

Education in diet and exercise, and learning how to "properly function" within what you learn from diet and exercise.

Which means, "the only fat burner pill is the body and the one steering the ship"---the diet, and you manipulate diet and exercise to reach your goal.

There is none of this: Pop a pill and wholly the fat loss show!.......Nope.....

Persons look to quick for a so-called over-the-counter "helper", when the real "helper" is: EDUCATION.

Your goal achievement is up to you:

Be proud that you are the most advanced Fat Burning Machine within the universe:

You have two arms, two legs, and a brain to empower YOU.

The diet and exercise are the fat burner; together they are the heavy weight champion, and over the counter fat loss pills are nothing more than corrupted promoters.

There is no greater personal embrace then wrapping your arms around your heart, and pulling it INTO you goal.

There is no equal.

One always gets up, when they get knocked down......

And, one doesn't knock down bull-**** and fake fat burner pills:

Believe me when I tell you if you pop an over-the-counter fat loss pill, and you continue to eat more than you need, you are going to put on fat tissue.....with the so-called fat-burner or without.

The only fat burner I know that I can absolutely trust and depend on is yourself performing diet and exercise, coupled with determination, will, and lots of passion toward the goal you seek.

It is simply hard work, depending on yourself, and supported through education in what you are attempting to do.

Don't waste your money, instead, purchase time in reading the stickies, educating yourself on the "requirements and truth" on fat loss, and set up a program, and give this time.

Fat loss simply "does not" come from an over the counter bottle.

The diet is the fat burner....

Close your eyes............

Hear the music?

Do you feel it?

Well, do ya?!

Its your heart.

It constantly provides rhythm.

The pictures come alive!

You can dance right through your goal and life.

Now, you realize all you need is to feed this seed to succeed.

Love it. Shine the light on it. Grab a hold of it...........don't let go.

Empower this super-power every awaking hour

Your passion will never sour......

You literally walk in your fat burner everyday: YOU.

This is all you need.

Now, you have realized that the real fat burner is:


And, not from an over-the-counter fat burner pill.


Be your own Dr. PHIL.

Show your SKILL

And, continue to stay away from the over-the-counter fat burner PILL.

You walk in your fat-burner everyday.


Yea, baby!.........This FAT BURNER FLAT ROCKS!

One ought to try it out!

It gets ya.........all BUZZED up..and WHACKED out on passion and shiaaaaat.....YIPPIE! :)

And, do not forget it!

Stay away from fat burner pills, and save your money.

I have NEVER used them, and I never will.

Success is my body.

And, its in yours too.


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Let me explain something. If one has doubts they "walk-in" their own ultimate fat blaster of all-time and ultimate lifestyle changer (craving beater) ever created: (assuming healthy person):

I write this with simplicity in mind, and the ground equal.

When one is in the know of the raw and basic fundamentals, and then continues to engage in education, the foundation of the basic and raw fundamentals learned will-allow for more advanced methods to grow and work "for the person":

Let us use the "glucose stores we all possess" as an example....

Uh, yes...the mighty glucose storage "areas" of the powerful, when one studies it (and how forms carbohydrates [sugars]), and other forms of sugars effect it, along with a proper fitness manipulation.

Using me as an example: (Diabetics, need not consider, different for them ;)).

Let us display the POWER OF DIET (that simply is in control of the individual person):

Hypothetically, I run a deficit for say 2 weeks (-500 from MT-Line, as an EXAMPLE), I carry Carbohydrates (sub 50 grams), I change my routine to have it more akin to burning HIGH AMOUNTS OF ENERGY, with the purpose of depleting my glucose storage.

Two things here: Running deficits, and depleting glucose storage. I affectionately call it: The Glucose Bucket. We all have a set of calories stored (energy if you will for---simplicity sake). I am not going to go into the debate on how much is stored. Just simply state there is.

I continue this high energy workout program, calorie deficit, and my glucose bucket gets depleted (for lack of argument....though I personally know--as I have been doing this for quite some time). I need to note, I run my calories in 24 hour segments, and this is important to remember.

The two weeks is over (2 weeks is just an example), and my 24 hour diet segment is from 7p to 7p. Suddenly, my wife wants to eat out (at Red Lobster, which I will eat carbohydrates as well), and I know this is going to break my previous trend history, and hypothetically---put more OVER MY CALORIE cause for concern...... cause for concern. I know my previous trend history, and know what I should eat, and KNOW I CAN REASONABLY EAT OVER AND NOT BE EFFECTED--in a negative way---(just a bit of water)......why?


In other words I can reasonably eat over MT-LINE and stay right on track......

Thus.........revealing the ultimate POWER OF THE DIET.......

Yes, simply put, we walk in a magnificent machine---LEARN HOW TO USE IT.

Manipulating Carbs and the other two macro nutrients (a the correct goal placement) can be POWERFUL. You can take water out, and put it back in, eat a degree more (at the right time), and even look better and LEANER....when done right (with the right person).

Best wishes

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I can diet with high carbs and no depletion type workouts, eat red lobster, and be fine too.

I don't think worrying about glycogen stores is necessary assuming eating off plan isn't a daily habit and calories are, for the most part, in check relative to your goals.
I can diet with high carbs and no depletion type workouts, eat red lobster, and be fine too.

I don't think worrying about glycogen stores is necessary assuming eating off plan isn't a daily habit and calories are, for the most part, in check relative to your goals.

Do not disagree, at all. :) With your first sentence.

I could eat jelly donuts too, while in dieting relevant to my personal goals, and be fine, Steve, :)

But I do have issue with the second--to a degree. Here me out. :)

For "some fitness goal people" glucose stores can be a concern; dependent on complications experienced in losing body fat (especially when real low, but wanting to get lower yet).

Sometimes......manipulating calories/exercise simply doesn't work for some.

Therefore it ISN'T simply about the almighty calorie---ALL THE TIME for everyone.

Sometimes its....about Calorie manipulation AND macro nutrient manipulation together (not calories alone)....that solicits what they want.

Sometimes in the diet its the POWER of BOTH (calorie and macro nutrients), and you know it.

For some it can be: About calories and manipulating the macro nutrients--together--that brings about a lower body fat (such as sub 8% or lower). For others, a deficit/fitness training will suffice just fine.

Therefore, it isn't simply and only about the might and powerful calorie. Though its the driving mechanic, OF COURSE!

Depleting the glucose stores, is a concern with me (at the proper time), and "should for others with proper goals" especially.....when dipping to low body fat; so it simply IS a concern to some--dependent on the "goal and place within that goal".

Maybe "not" to some "new or others with different fitness goals, and to the so-called average dieter" (to a---degree), but it is certainly a concern to "some", and can be used solid manipulative tool....when done properly.

I didn't think I had to spell that out.

You can not deny (say hypothetically) that if one is at their personal MT-Line (while glucose is completely depleted, hypothetically), that this person can be in a more "PRIMED" condition to absorb the extra calories more efficiently (and you know what I am talking about, Steve), as compared to one that was at the same MT-Line (glucose full) and eating over (hypothetically), when their goal is fat loss. (Not to far from Lyle's own viewpoint, just stated differently)

It is especially PRIMED --when glucose is depleted (this way the fructose/other sugars will primarily be absorbed for "proper" storage, and will be more favorably handled in this state). It isn't a mistake that some suggest 1,000 calories (or more-dependent on the person) above MT-Line after a glucose depletion period (such as Lyle suggests, and others, when transitioning from the low-carb to higher carbs, as an example). One can simply handle more, and this was my point to prove the power of one's diet.

Diet is powerful, and IF--the average Joe wanting to lose weight, would set aside a section of time educating their self on what to do) it would "potentially" solve some problems that seem to creep up.

Such as: (hypothetically)

I lost 30 pounds (deficit dieting--only), but, I can get rid of the last 3 pounds, I tried everything. One examines it, and it is learned carbohydrates were never manipulated, and this becomes an option to consider (keeping things equal in the unknowns), as does the potential experiment with glucose depletion (because glucose depletion isn't the same as just merely lowering carbs). Thus both can become "options" among others that are available. And, education is simply the fat loss key.

They may not need this "understanding" NOW, but they may later. And, understanding one's glucose stores is a powerful tool one can use--At the right time, with right person, within the correct goal position---and depleting glucose stores can be the right thing to do (with the right person), and you know what I am talking about........

Oh........I saw the pictures of your house......congrats on it! Hope it goes well for ya!

Best wishes

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Keep in mind where you are, however. Most members here are beginners and have a good amount of fat to lose. There really isn't a need in muddying the waters with glycogen depletion when someone has 40, 70, 100+ lbs to lose.

I myself have done much dieting where I'm specifically depleting glycogen during certain stages for obvious reasons. I'd also consider myself advanced with a relatively lean physique.

Information is great. Education is great and if people wan to specifically learn about these sorts of things or if these sorts of things are applicable to the poster... I'm all about it. But information has to be presented at a time that is right.

Misdirecting it can cause more harm than good. I learned this early on as a trainer. I wanted to share anything and everything with my clients. I don't know if it was a matter of me wanting to prove that I knew my stuff or if I truly thought it would help them if they knew everything I knew.

I learned with time and after a lot of blank stares that keeping my mouth shut and practicing 'targeted education' was the best approach.

You can take that for what it's worth, which might be nothing. Who knows. It's been effective in my business model which is all I really care about for the most part.

As I started this post... most in this forum shouldn't be worrying about glycogen depletion. Working with overweight people has been my 'specialty' if a trainer can actually have such a thing and I can say unequivocally that muddying the waters to such a degree would have hurt most beginners more than it helped.
Also, please notice I never said it's all about calories. If you read any stickie or post by me here, I never say it's all about calories. Macros are always important for a number of factors. Calories are the foundation. That doesn't make them them only important variable.

I equate it to a house....

If it's freezing outside and all you have is a concrete slab of a foundation, survival is looking dismal.