Diet Patches - ANy tips!!?


New member
Help me! My friend is raving about a new diet patch shes using called slimmerssecret. I went on there website and i quite like the idea of patches but there is sooo many! Can anyone recommend what worked for them, or has anyone else tried slimmerssecret? Please let me know!


Sue x
These things are going to be soooo awesome for you...

at taking money out of your wallet and enver seeing it again..

that's one way to lose weight - empty your wallet.

Patches do not work..

Common sense does work...

A little patch is somehow gonna stop you shoveling food into your gob and make it, somehow, not your responsability! you can just sit back and eat too much food and never exercise and the weight will drop off you!
i almost edited tht reply in case she was serious, but im 99% sure that was a pre-spam/spam
I would just like to clarify at this stage, i'm not a layabout, i do go to the gym, and i actually eat quite well, im just hungry all the time! the only time ive dieted and not felt hungry was when i was on atkins, and that made me feel rubbish the whole time! Any ideas on what i can do to not be hungry? I am going to snap soon!!! ANd im doing well at the mo!! x
If you're hungry - eat something...

Take a look at your nutrition and ensure you're getting enough protein and fat in your diet -that gives a much better feeling of satiety.

Read the stickied threads in the nutrition forum
you shouldnt be left hungry at any stage, re you sure its just just cravy because you have done something silly like having an unbalenced diet eating only carbs or protien or something sily?