Sport Diet Needs To Gain Muscle

Sport Fitness
Hello everyone, this is my first post, I'm looking for info or advice on my diet in order to gain weight in the form of lean muscle. I'm 26, 5'7" and weigh roughly 145lbs. I have, over the last year gained about 20lbs, mostly in the form of fat, from being inactive, and abusing my body with a terrible diet. Before this I was fairly thin with very little body fat. I've attempted to hit the gym over the last few years on a number of occasions and never really stuck with it, whether it be having kids, work, school, playing soccer, or being injured I just haven't. I'm at a point now where I feel like I know I'll be dedicated. I having trouble finding any real solid advice on my diet, whether it be the amount of protein I should be taking in, or the amount of carbs, what vegetables, etc. Below is a recap of my diet over the last day. My current daily meals are fairly similar, usually I switch the chicken and rice with either tuna sandwiches on whole grain bread, or chicken and whole wheat pasta, or brown rice and salmon. In writing this I noticed I don't have any vegetables in there, so I know that's an area of improvement (besides the potatoes). I also take a multi-vitamin daily. The shake is Syntha6 by BSN as well as the NO Explode (which I really don't like nor feel any benefits from as of yet). As well I normally get around 90oz of water in per day. I also think I might need some extra fibre in my diet because I've felt some discomfort over the past two days. I'm looking to add some muscle right now and I'll worry about cutting the fat later on when I've formed a solid diet and routine. I'm not aiming for any specific goal as of right now weight wise, I just know I would like to gain some muscle, and I'm not an unrealistic beginner who thinks he's going to get jacked in 6 or 8 weeks. I'm an easy going person so I won't be offended by any constructive criticism, well criticism in general. I appreciate any and all advice that you may have. Thanks i advance for your help.

Protein Carbs
2 eggs, 3 toast, 1/2 shake
31g 66.5g
1 cup Oatmeal Crisp with 1/4 milk
8.5g 44g
NO Explode
0g 12g
31g 13g
1/4 Of Rice and Chicken Dish
30g 57.5g
2 Potatoes
6g 50g
1/4 Of Rice and Chicken Dish
30g 57.5g
3.5 Potatoes, Shake
41.5g 87.5g
178 388g