Weight-Loss Diet for food allergies?



New member
First off I'd like to say hi, this is my first (But hopefully not my last) post :)

That aside, I need some help - I need to lose weight. Obvious? Yeah a bit, but there's a catch - I have a wheat and egg white allergy, so the only diet that I have used successfully is out. A few years ago I was overweight (~185lb, 5'6"), and I spent 3 months eating nothing but oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast, a sandwich and chips for lunch, and chicken and veggies for dinner. This method, along with 4 hours of swimming a week, helped me lose 35lb in 3 months. However since then I have put the weight back on, and found out I have food allergies - and now I need to get it back off.

Anyone have any tips for me? I need to find a satisfying breakfast, quick and filling lunch (No 30+ minutes of cooking), and the same for my dinner. I'm on a bit of a budget as well, so I'm having trouble finding stuff to eat.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Well, you can get quinoa flakes or other non-wheat cereal to replace the oatmeal! (Do you have issues with the gluten? Oatmeal may or may not be okay with a wheat allergy)

Chicken and veggies are still fine.

Your lunch - it depends, but a salad is a great option. Whatever you'd have put in the sandwich, add as extras to your salad instead.

There are a lot of 'gluten free' and wheat free products out there, although I'm not as sure about the egg free...
Thanks, hehe... I can eat oatmeal/gluten, it's just boring to eat it every day - the beauty of my old diet was that my lunch was so fast, satsfying and well just plain good - I didn't mind the blandness, but I have yet to find something as fast to make (<5 minutes) that is as good or as filling - so yeah it's a problem.
And as for gluten/wheat-free stuff... It's really hard to find, I live in a somewhat small town and neither grocery store (Walmart and a local kroger branch) carry either.