Diet & Exercise ALONE are NOT the Answer!


New member
In spite of the consequences of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, self-loathing, depression, over-weight unhealthy bodies, and shortened lives, we persist with unhealthy eating and inadequate exercise. Why is that?[/b]

To implement a whole food eating plan, and become physically active is clinically proven to create optimal health, decrease health risks, and promote weight loss.

For real success and benefits though, we need to be able to consistently maintain healthy eating and physical activity as a lifestyle. This is where we fail.

We spend over 60 billion dollars a year in North America on weight loss, diet and exercise. However, we continuously struggle to maintain and apply the knowledge we learn long term as a way of life. If these were real lasting solutions the societal health problems we see would be less dramatic.

Weight loss, long term weight management, and optimal health require a commitment that goes beyond diet and exercise alone.

There is so much more to consider in the complexities of our biggest modern health problem. We need to look deeper for answers. The North American weight problems we see today encompass the mental, emotional, physical, societal and cultural aspects of our lives.

Research and statistics show that 60% of North Americans are affected by poor unhealthy eating habits. Unwanted weight gain, and many physical and mental health risks are often the result. However, in spite of these profound consequences we continue with unhealthy choices, mindless eating, and no physical activity.

Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyles have a profound impact on the majority of us today. As a society we are under exercised, overfed, and undernourished. We find our self influenced by chronic dieting, pre-occupation with food, our weight, and body image. It is imperative that adequate knowledge and skills be developed to maintain a balanced lifestyle free from these obsessions.

The grip of poor nutrition and unhealthy sedentary lifestyles requires a holistic approach.

The process of long term weight management starts by understanding that many of our self defeating behaviours stem from negative beliefs and unproductive attitudes. Self Discovery is the only way to make lasting change by identifying and challenging unproductive attitudes, negative beliefs and years of self defeating behavioural programming.

Self Discovery will assist you in seeing the root causes to your problems and give you the keys to dealing with them.

Being educated, controlling our food choices, and loosing the pre-occupation with weight, weight loss and body image allows us to have a new sense of freedom.
I am sorry, but I have a hard time following your logic.

What do you mean "we find our self influenced by chronic dieting, preoccupation with food, our weight, and body image".

And how exactly does "adequate knowledge and skills develop" to maintain a balanced lifestyle free from these obsessions, as you called them?

It is true that diet and exercise alone are not the answers to our obesity epidemic and all its devastating consequences, but neither is self discovery and self image issues. If anything it's the opposite; self image and preocupation might originate from having lost control of of our eating habits in the first place.

But that's not my point.

The problem goes deeper than that. As a society, we have grown addicted to many of the so called "foods" that are processed and empty of nutrients. The key word is addiction, because like drug addicts, we know what foods make us sick, and we go ahead and eat them just the same.

Think I am kidding?

Remember the last time you went out for pizza or had a big bowl of your favorite pasta?

Did you feel good, yet bloated and a few minutes later you felt sort of tired or sleepy?

That was a sugar rush, followed by a crush. And that happens every time we eat any wheat products, whole or white. No matter. Imagine what happens when we eat sweet pastries for breakfast or drink sodas for lunch.

Make no mistake about it, all those carbs turn into sugar, (and sugar ends up stored as fat eventually) whole grains and processed, the only difference is that with the whole grains you get the fiber and the vitamins, and that's a good thing.

But not every one gets addicted, right?

True, some people are less sensitive to these roller coaster and the sugar highs and lows take longer to affect them, but trust me, over time they too get sick. It's just that since junk food is so accessible kids as young as 5 years of age are obese and being diagnosed with diabetes type 2.

So, should we be obsessed?

No. We should do everything within our power to find ways to fight those carb addictions. Yes it's a process; but since we don't learn nutrition in high school or food and human chemistry until it's almost too late (if ever) than it's up to each of us to learn what works for us in terms of how to deal with our cravings for junk food, and jump on the healthy, natural food wagon once and for all.

Luz L
Originally Posted by christophersize

The key is "maintenance." No matter how good your diet plan is or your exercise program, they will be turned into nothing. You have a WILL that will keep you on track. :)

Having a good diet plan and exercise plan is the answer. Full stop.
my own 2 cents from my weight loss journey, lots of things work but a good guide to start from I've reviewed on my blog.
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I think we have to see deeper to really try to find a solution the over weight of the society.

First like fitnessluz is an addiction but from where is come from the addiction?
Star with publicity and with ways to make us believe that we need that kind of food or product and like he say after that is an addiction but we have to try to think more when we buy something, is what we need or is what they try to make me believe that we need?