Sport Diet Coke

Sport Fitness
I try not to drink any calories and keep the additives to my coffee splenda and skim milk and drink unsweetened iced tea once in a while.

I'm actually not a big fan of plain water and pretty much spend my day chain drinking diet coke.

So my question is diet soda vs. water, is water better and why? and what effect does the coke have on weight loss efforts.

Also, i drink the caffene free version.

Thanks for your input.
Cafine Free Diet Coke is bad, very bad. Contains a lot of bad stuff, although I don't think they will tell you the actual ingrediants, since it is a "secret" formula. Here is the nutritional breakdown from their web site:
Calories 1.0
Carbohydrates (grams) 0.1
Sodium (mg) 28
Potassium (mg) 12
Phosphorus (mg) 18
Caffeine (mg) 0
Saccharin (mg) 0
Aspartame (mg) 125
Acesulfame Potassium (mg) 0
Sucralose(mg) 0

I'd say too much sodium and aspartame. See this link for the problems with Aspartame:
and the phosphorus comes as phosphoric acid, which screws with blood pH levels, causing you to release calcium to balance the pH.

and if yer not getting enough daily calcium, the body will pull it from the bones and teeth.
so even if the sugar in pop doesn't rot your teeth, the acidity will.

and Coke is the most acidic cola on the market.
Agree with above.

There are more important things than just bottom line calories. Just b/c something is low or no calorie, doesn't mean it's anywhere near healthy for you. If you just can't do a ton of plain water, make some of your fluid (but not all) decaf unsweetened tea, or squeeze some lemon or other fruit into your water.
Can you think of anything wrong with Seltzer/Club soda? I believe there are some that come with no sodium or perhaps they all do not have sodium
Joey007 said:
soda = lot of sugar

even if its diet or w/e

stick with water. healthiest beverage around!
Actually diet soda has no sugar.

And 28mg of sodium is around 1% of your daily value.

I'm pretty sure the only thing bad is the acidity (like stated), and possibly (not proven) the artificial sweetener.
mreik said:
Actually diet soda has no sugar.

And 28mg of sodium is around 1% of your daily value.

I'm pretty sure the only thing bad is the acidity (like stated), and possibly (not proven) the artificial sweetener.

oh forealz? lol, well I don't drink soda ><" hehe, but if I do, I don't go diet, I just drink the original :)