I have a question for you guys all. Maybe this will surprise someone like me haha. I was looking at the calorie content of diet coke and it said 0 calories. Is that true?? What do u guys think??
good compared to regular coke, bad compared to fresh water.
just look at the sodium count, and read some studies on the cancerous effects of large intakes of fake sweetners like nutrasweet and sacchrine.
It's what I consider a neutral. It doesn't doing anything for you and it really doesn't do anything against you (unless you believe the hype about the sweeteners). Keep in mind though that a diet coke with lunch is good, but is no REPLACEMENT for water.
I consider any soda 'bad' because of what it does to your teeth and bones. All the phosphoric acid in soda eats away at your teeth. But what's worse is that is screws with phosphorus levels in the blood, so the body will pull calcium from bones and teeth to balance things out. Diet or regular, you still have to put up with this.
I also believe it's better to wean yourself off of sweets. Replacing your common sweets with "healthier" versions isn't really going to improve your lifestyle much. Once in a while is cool (everything in moderation, of course) and in these cases, if you gotta have it, diet coke is a suitable replacement (I personally can't stand the taste).
whenever I fancy something sweet I eat a banana, raisins or grapes instead, its way tastier and satisfying than chocolate or sweets.
Why not try an extra light ribena instead?, its 100% vitamin C + only 15cal per 500ml.
Yeh you can't really disuade someone from drinking coke just because you think it tastes bad. They wouldn't be asking the questions in the first place if they didn't like the taste themselves.
As far as chocolate and sweets go, I agree that all sweets should be avoided but I think everybody should allow themselves chocolate sometimes (assuming you like it), because it's scientifically proven to be a very good comfort food and releases chemicals inside you that give you good feelings. So having it every now and then to cheer yourself up or reward yourself isn't going to do any harm.