Sport Diet Coke should I kick the habit?

Sport Fitness
First question is Diet Coke. I use to drink 4 cans of Coke a day (at least 4 cans) I stopped drinking regular pop and am now trying to get off of my 1 Diet Coke a day with my dinner. I dont always have one, just as a treat 3-4 days a week. I know water is better for me but I think that my old ways of drinking pop all of the time got me hooked on the fizzy feeling in my mouth. When I have my dinner with my pop, I only drink about 1/2 of the can and toss the rest. So is Diet Coke bad for me? BTW, I also will drink a glass of water with my dinner or shortly after.

My second food question is dry roasted salted almonds. I started eating these 2 weeks ago. I grab a 1/4 -1/2 cup before I lift. They are one heck of a pick me up during a workout. I can tell on the days that I dont eat them. I thought about eating 1/4 cup of them before bedtime. What do you guys think about this? Would it help me loose weight and keep/gain my muscle? Or is this too many carbs before bed?
Started: 2/3/05
well diet coke for the diet is not bad, no calories / sugar or fat so doesnt really affect that. It does contain aspertain which I belive has been showen to have a few different bad things one of which may cause cancer, and some other things. I dont know how right I am but now pretty much all I drink is water.
the porblems wiht diet coke are phosporic acid and artificial sweeteners. it alos has caffiene, but nowhere near what a cup of coffee has. its also much, much better than regular coke. i think if youre drinking just 3-4 a week, it shouldnt be too harmful.
In my opinion, diet sodas are NOT part of a clean diet. I think they should be avoided as water is much more important.

Peanuts are okay, in moderation - but not the roasted kind. Any kind of nuts you are eating should be raw. And 1/2 cup is an awful lot of peanuts. Almonds and walnuts are much better choices.
Nuts are a good source of fat, however, there are other good sources, too, that should be included in your diet - such as flax oil, olive oil, canola oil, fish oil, etc. I would keep the nuts to one serving per day and have the other types of fats w/ other meals.
If your goals are to lose body fat, you should only be eating carbs in your post-work-out meal, and your post-post-work-out meal. If before bed isn't either of the two, don't eat the nuts then. If it is, then it's perfectly fine.
Diet coke is fine, especially in the limited amounts you are talking about.

My wife and her mother are always kickin my ass about the aspartemine (spelling?) cause they both read the same article about it causing cancer - I don't subscribe to this bull as there has been no actual proof, just made up stories and coincidence. Remember when they said eggs were bad for you?

As far as nuts - I love nuts. But keep it to a palm full not a hand full.
What is the difference between roasted peanuts, boiled peanuts or raw peanuts??? I thought a peanut is a peanut, same nutrition amount no matter how one eats it.

When they are roasted there is usually salt added to the nuts.

Boiling I belive can drain them of there nutrients.

Raw is the best no additives, all there nutrional amounts and you can get saltless peanuts