Hi. I'm 26 years old, a tall 5'7", and a miserable 265 lbs! I have recently started a workout routine. I joined the biggest loser contest at my local gym and have a lot of motivation.
My problem is that I dont feel like Im pushing myself enough in my cardio. I do the bike, the treadmill, and the dreaded stair stepper. My routine is 10 mins on the stepper of death, 30 mins on the deathmill, and then 15 on the bike. I'm not getting winded because my muscles are fatiguing long before my lungs are. I attribute this to my recently added vitamin suppliment program. I'm taking all kinds of vitamins but the B6, B12, and Vitamin E are assisting with my increase in using oxygen efficently. 3 weeks ago I was getting winded from walking up one flight of stairs. Anyways-Im a rambler if you havent noticed - my legs turn into noodles long before I get winded and I end up walking the majority of my 30 minutes on the deathmill. My heart rate ramains in the 160 range.
1. Is this going to be enough to help me lose weight reasonably fast when mixed with a good diet?
2. Any suggestions on how I might add stamina to my legs? I want to be able to jog a mile without stopping.
My problem is that I dont feel like Im pushing myself enough in my cardio. I do the bike, the treadmill, and the dreaded stair stepper. My routine is 10 mins on the stepper of death, 30 mins on the deathmill, and then 15 on the bike. I'm not getting winded because my muscles are fatiguing long before my lungs are. I attribute this to my recently added vitamin suppliment program. I'm taking all kinds of vitamins but the B6, B12, and Vitamin E are assisting with my increase in using oxygen efficently. 3 weeks ago I was getting winded from walking up one flight of stairs. Anyways-Im a rambler if you havent noticed - my legs turn into noodles long before I get winded and I end up walking the majority of my 30 minutes on the deathmill. My heart rate ramains in the 160 range.
1. Is this going to be enough to help me lose weight reasonably fast when mixed with a good diet?
2. Any suggestions on how I might add stamina to my legs? I want to be able to jog a mile without stopping.