Diary of a Chunky Bloke


New member
This is a little late for me as I started on my quest for weight loss about 3 weeks ago, but better late than never!

Rather than go over old ground too much, it's probably best if people read my story/introduction thread.

I guess the best place to start is to answer the questions from one of the stickys:

- How much weight do you want to lose?

When I started I was 252lbs (18st) and my target is 196 (14st), so I'd like to lose 56lbs (4st).

- What is the timeframe for reaching your target weight?

As soon as possible really, however (hopefully) I'm being realistic. I'm hoping to be able to do it by the end of the year (2006).

- How do you want to accomplish your goal (what methods do you want to use)?

I intend to use exercise as my main weight loss tool. I've always been unhappy with my general fitness so I'm using this oportunity as a chance to get properly fit again. I shall be doing this by visiting my gym 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time. As well as this I have also taken to playing either Badminton or Squash with a friend once a week at a local leasure centre.

As well as excercising as the gym I have also completely changed my diet and have taken to drinking plenty of water. Generally I have been following the 1000 calories a day rule (my job is very inactive, so this feels adiquate).

- Who or what can support you in reaching your goal?

This place seems pretty good! Other than that I don't really think I'll get any other support because it's something I'm doing on my own. I've always been self concious about my weight so announcing my plans to friends & family would make me uncomfortable.

Hopefully people will notice my weight loss, which is always a nice boost of morall to keep going!

- How realistic is your goal?

Not knowing much about losing weight - I'm not sure. However I hope it's fairly realistic.

- When will you start?

As of 3 weeks ago!

I guess that's about all for now folks. Quite positive as of last night as I found out I've lost quite a substantial 4lbs or so in the last week! :)
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I think your goal is realistic but the calorie intake seems low. You feel ok? I have been eating 1400 to 1800 per day and that is usually OK. I don't think I could do 1000.

And congratulations on your loss so far!
Yeah I've found it okay so far. In reality I'm probably having a bit over the 1k mark each day, I haven't been stricly following that amount, just used it as a general guide. :)
Hey, Phoenix! Welcome! Glad to have you with us! Sounds like you have a good plan for losing your weight. Good luck!
Hey there a great big warm welcome to the forum and well done for your recent 4lbs lost. I managed to do the same when I first started too!:)
Thanks for the encouragement guys, yep, very happy with what I've lost so far. :)

Bit depressed today actually as once again I've failed to keep my eating well going over the weekend. I don't know what it is but I just totally loose interest over the weekends. :(

I know people will just say "just don't!" but it's obviously not as simple as that as I keep doing it. :(
I don't think most people here would say "just don't"---they well know how difficult it is. Don't let a bad couple of days get you off track. Keep focused. No worries.
Well, do it a bit more like this...

If you binge during the weekend try to cut it down to binging just on Sunday. Then gradually cut it down. This rule works even when you just don't eat the best of foods.. just try cutting down how much bad you eat till you feel absolutely no need to cheat on yourself :D

Good luck and above all.. Enjoy the journey and LEARN ;)