Diagonal Back and Shoulder Exercise with the Ball


New member
by AllCdnBoy: link The start position for this exercise is face-down over the ball with your hands and feet touching the floor.

Lift both legs until they are parallel with the floor.

Slowly lift your right arm off of the floor. At the same time, lift your left leg slightly.

Repeat this exercise 8-12 times per side, rest, then repeat the entire exercise sequence if desired.

In my opinion the top best 7 upper back workouts are listed below!!

1) Sternum chin-ups[/b]

This variation of the chin-up, which was popularized by Vince Gironda, involves leaning back throughout the entire movement. In this variation, the lower portion of the chest should touch the bar.You can use either a supinated or pronated grip, and the grip can vary from narrow to shoulder-width (the latter being more indicated for the stronger trainee).