Diablo 2 cd key

Does anyone here have a Diablo 2 cd key they don't use? Lord of Destruction, too? I can't give you anything for it, but I can promise that if you suddenly want to use it again, I'll let it go.
I've got one floating around somewhere, I think, if I didn't throw the discs out... which I might have. I will check this evening.

If I do find it, it's all yours. No need to worry about me wanting it back.
I'm pretty sure I've got one at home, Karky. If you don't get one, let me know. I can get it to you in 4-5 hours.
thanks a bunch! Is it LOD or just D2? If you can, just try to get one now, since Focus said he might have thrown out his D2 CDs (blasphemy!)
Just D2. Man, I played the hell out of it about 7 years ago. The discs and cd key are still around though, I think.
thanks a bunch! Is it LOD or just D2? If you can, just try to get one now, since Focus said he might have thrown out his D2 CDs (blasphemy!)

Put me on the list.

If one of the other keys dont pan out, I could possibly get a hold of one for ya brotha.

Let me know and I will send it via E-Mail.

Best wishes

Got anything for Lord of Destruction? It's the expansion, DEF said he could probably fix me D2, but I really want the LOD one too :D
thanks! Do you guys know if you can install D2 on a CD key that doesn't work on b.net and then install LOD with one that does and then have it working? Or will I need to get a real D2 one before I test Sara's?

the original? The game? I used to have it, no idea where it is, been looking like crazy..

have you got many CD keys, Sara? You didn't just get it off some key generator, did you? Because those never work on b.net (the multiplayer thing)
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Speaking of CD-keys.

Anyone got any spare starcraft CD-keys or ones they don't use anymore?

Haven't played it in a year and half, but i am bored out of my mind.
You can use a program to change the cd key without reinstalling, there, Karks. Googles it up meng.

Also, thanks for saving me teh efforts there grumpcakes. Focus wuvs yoo. <3
Well, Sara's didn't work for LOD. Maybe it's because I don't have a valid D2 cd key, so I'll probably need that too, I dunno..
Does anyone here have a Diablo 2 cd key they don't use? Lord of Destruction, too? I can't give you anything for it, but I can promise that if you suddenly want to use it again, I'll let it go.

I am downloading Diablo 1 atm....haven't played it for soooo long! I have been mainly playing Age of Conan but i am out of game time till i buy some more :(
While were asking for numbers, can i borrow someones bank account number please :D