DHEA Opinions

I'm considering taking DHEA to give me that extra bite of Testosterone prior to a workout, I'm having difficulties with energy, staying motivated, and getting and keeping gains.

I've heard that DHEA can give you 'Man Boobs', and that it's a 'Mother Hormone' that creates both Testosterone & Estrogen, and thus doe's nothing since the two cancel eachother out.

1)Opinion on DHEA?
2) Will I need to 'stack' it?(4 weeks on, 2 weeks off)
3) If not DHEA, what?
I dont think there is gonna be a person on this forum that will support the use of DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), which is naturally released from the adrenal gland, and 2 steps from being Testosterone. What are you looking for in taking this? Muscle growth?---Not gonna Happen. DHEA is also converted to Estrogen and Cortisol in the body as needed for additional information (do you know what these two have in function?). This hormone lacks sufficient reputatable research in my opinion, but some that back it tend to say it has its various uses, as in one, it declines with age, and can have benefits to some that are older. (I didnt need it, and did just fine with my goals).

I recommend to stay away from it with all due respect to you. Dont look for easy ways to increase the body thoroughput, there isnt one along the lines we are speaking---that is healthy. There ISNT an easy way out.

YOU ARE THE TESTOSTERONE MACHINE (include squats and other comparable kicken dat @ss exercises and find out).


Good advice is below. DHEA pills dont work. Save your money and invest time and effort into yourself, and you will be rewarded a thousand times more than the money spent on DHEA pills:


There is a Testosterone pill:

One walks in their...Testosterone Pillbox....everyday.

Its you and the body.

And, every time you continue your diet and exercise, you take one pill out of the box toward your goal.

Yes, there is a Testosterone pill. Its you. And, you walk within it everyday.

An opposite Thought:

A Poison Pillbox

One walks in this Pillbox......everyday.

Every time you make an excuse to not exercise (when scheduled) or inappropriately cheat on the diet, you take one pill from this box against your goal

Yes, there is a poison Pillbox, and you walk in this everyday you make an inappropriate choice when dealing with the natural human impulses of the body.

Answer: Be the Testosterone Pill.

You can be friend or foe to yourself and sometimes both. Think about it. The truest form of wisdom is learning to deal with yourself.
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Go to the doctor and have a complete blood workup done. This includes thyroid (T3 and T4), test, GH, etc levels. Proceed from there.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've heard that Squats can increase Test. output(since the legs have the largest muscles I assume).
What other workouts can I look at for this?
Deadlifts, Military Presses, various compound back exercises, to name a few. You could opt to get your testosterone checked to see if it is at the normal level (s) for your age. This is a good idea. I mean if its low for some reason, this could effect your results. In this medical sense, I do advocate Testosterone therapy and/or perscription meds.

I had mine checked, and it was normal, and I had some other organ function checked as well just to make sure there wasnt something that I had to deal with "effectively" that could cause complications in weight loss and/or muscle growth.
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Regarding DHEA, once you start playing with hormones and chemical messengers, you're playing with fire. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As stated in this forum, stick to solid compound movements and you'll get results....