Dextrose and Maltodextrin

In another thread, someone recommended dextrose as an efficient way to get post workout carbs. I did some research on the stuff and it seems to make sense that with a GI of 100, it's a pretty efficient way to raise blood sugar. I also read that it should be taken with maltodextrin which is apparently just long chains of glucose molecules that digest a little more slowly than dextrose.

I have a couple of questions.

Is it necessary to take both or just one of the two? Is there any advantage to taking maltodextrin with dextrose?

Also, what are the health effects of such a high GI sugar consumed in large quantities? I tried to do some research on it, and I couldn't find any severe warnings. Most of the sites seemed to be promoting the health benefits more than the possible drawbacks. In terms of sweeteners, there seems to be more health warnings about lower GI sweeteners like HFCS and table sugar.
Anything? Anything at all?
It seems like because of the extremely high GI that it would be good for post workout carbs. I'm going to give it a try and limit it to just after intense workouts when I need it.
Unless you were a diabetic, I don't think high GI carbs pose any problem.

the reason you see malto requested in the mix, is because it doesn't taste sweet, while dextrose tastes very sweet...almost gaggingly sweet by the time you mix 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein (so anywhere from 40-90g of carbs PWO, which could be a half cup of dextrose).

also, dextrose will stimulate the stomach and make it feel like you really ate something...and some people will actually feel bloated/stuffed after consuming a lot of dextrose. malto dextrin doesn't do that, and the body still easily strips it down to plain glucose.

malto is more expensive and harder to find locally. I use dextrose only because it doesn't bother my stomach.
That's interesting. I did some research and based on my weight, I should be getting around 60 grams of post workout carbs. Today, I might take a field trip to the supermarket, and if they don't have them there, I'll have to go to GNC.
Do what suits you, but I just ordered mine from this site, got 15 pounds for cheap.