Developing new arm workout!

So, I'm developing a new workout routine.

As some of you may know, I'm a mechanic (among other things) so I spend a lot of time working on cars. This is something I managed to cross over from my 1966 Mustang to my current DD, a 1993 Corolla wagon. Fortunately, I don't have a true "Serpentine" system (a system of pullies on the motor, for alternator, water pump, ect., which are all driven by the same belt), I have three seperate belts.

I'll spare you the mechanical details of the story. It begins with a squeaky belt traced to the power steering pump. When attempting to replace the belt, the adjusting bolt was noted as being frozen in place. Since I had nothing to use for leverage and no lubricants of any kind, I decided to just cut the belt off, effectively "deleting" the power steering. Now, just like in my 1966 Mustang, I have manual steering.

To replicate this in your own car without cutting belts, put the key in the ignition and turn to "on" without actually starting the car (thus un-locking the steering wheel). Now try to turn the wheel. This is manual steering. It's hard to turn the wheel when the car is stopped, but when you are moving it is easier.

I don't recommend this as an actual exercise unless you do it by putting the car in the on position and turn the wheel without the car started, but even then, I don't recommend it because you will wear out the bottom of your tires. I also don't recommend this modification, even with the slight increase in power/gas mileage, due to increased possibility of an accident. I CANNOT and WILL NOT be held responsible for anyone performing this modification to their car and any and all results stemming from this modification.

Brought to you by the Lettuce for a Fit Nation campaign.

"I am Lettuce and I approve this message."