Sport Detoxifying for weight loss

Sport Fitness
Hello everyone... I'm sure this has probably come up on the message board before, but probably before I was here.

Anyway has anyone ever tried these detoxification supplements to help them lose weight? I read alot of articles about how all the junk that accumulates in our bodies can screw up fat loss goals. I read about people who are in shape and healthy except for thier stomach and love handle area. They eat right and exercise but can't seemed to shake that usless fat around the midsection. After getting these detoxifying body wraps, massages, and colon cleansings they started losing the weight around thier stomachs. These were not testimonials or adds from what I could tell. Has anyone ever heard of this?

My body fat is currently around 9% and I have increased my veggies which is bringing my core muscles out finally. I am sorta like one of these guys who has the low body fat but its all mostly in one place so I was thinking about this colon cleansing stuff to see if it helps my "systems run better" thus kicking in the fat loss. Its really annoying to be able to do all these cool exercises for my core but not have it show, so I really want to try it. I guess the worse that could happen is nothing and I get cleaned out which is probably good anyway.

So has anyone here tried this? Did it work for you? What kind of results did you have?? What type of cleaner did you buy?

Or is this just totally B.S? Thank you for your help, eveyone in this forum rules!
my weight loss story

That happened in the other life of mine. I was a lonely and ageing woman. I was dating the man through an on-line chat and as all women would do, I said to him I was a 25 year-old trim red haired girl. The only truth there was about red hair.
The day came when he told me he cared about me and was eager to meet. I was amazed and actually frightened. My weight was 144 1b and he thought I was 95 1b well put together Lady. He fell in love with me but I got, the moment he is to see me, he’ll fell out of it immediately. That was going to be a disaster!
Do you have a weight loss problem, please, share your advice with me. Thank you! ;)
I think everyone should do a whole body cleansing/detox 1-2 a year. If you're eating clean, no reason to do more than that. Detoxing can be hard on the body.
slimmerlady said:
That happened in the other life of mine. I was a lonely and ageing woman. I was dating the man through an on-line chat and as all women would do, I said to him I was a 25 year-old trim red haired girl. The only truth there was about red hair.
The day came when he told me he cared about me and was eager to meet. I was amazed and actually frightened. My weight was 144 1b and he thought I was 95 1b well put together Lady. He fell in love with me but I got, the moment he is to see me, he’ll fell out of it immediately. That was going to be a disaster!
Do you have a weight loss problem, please, share your advice with me. Thank you! ;)

just curious...

what are you in this life?

and please, I've already deleted the other SIX threads you posted this story under. don't spam it again or Ill ban you.
God yeah, it definately rings through for me. It's just logic. There is SO much refined and processed food out there, even a health conscious person will consume alot without knowing it, and naturally, since very few people have perfect digestion, it will clog you up. Whether it's the sole cause of this extra weight, I don't know, but for your health, it is definately worth it.
As you know, most of my knowhow comes from the bodybuilding world, so I'm not really up on detox. Where can I read up on it?
Just interested as my diet isnt great during my bulking phase, so it might be nice to detox at the start of my cutting in March.