Detox Debate

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Hey! I like the fact that a heavy s since background! Detox is a subject that some people shun when it comes to weighloss. I believe that when people begin to plateau in their weightloss journey, they need to bring in catalysts like Green, Black or Red Tea! These can actually help the body get rid of that unwanted wastes which lead to à bloated digestive system! I believe that when the natural detox system isn't functioning then failure is bound to happen!

There is no science to back the snake oil which is Detox Tea, If you truly believe in these products please provide the scientific studies.
“Scientists recently uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes. Inside the body, these chemicals monkey with our ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

Also look up work by Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton. If I had your email, I would send you study papers!

And for the record my dear friend! There is in FACT an African Tea that you can drink tomget slim! Its mostly found in Kenya but its also there in my country! The tea is mostly used by hunters and gathers ( who still exist in my country, Botswana). When you drink it younare able to travel long distances without feeling hungry or getting weak. BUT ANYONE WHO DRINKS MUST TAKE IN LOTS OF WATER TOO! ITS A FACT!
post your peer reviewed study proving tea is some kind of magic weight loss solution,

The doctor you mentioned is only pushing a commercial product she has a financial interest in. again, please cite a location of her peer reviewed studies and not just endless links of her pushing her own book.
One more thing coach , I don't need a study to show for something that I have personal experience of! The tea exists in our world and its a FACT! If you have any Kenyan friend, by All means ask them if such a tea exists!
I am not disputing that some chemicals can make people gain weight and that is all those studies look at. However I see no proof that a tea detox or any commercial detox has any real measurable effect, companies selling these products are just preying on the fears and lack of consistency of the general population in their weight loss efforts. It works for me is not proof, If this tea was so magical somebody would have spent the time to make a study of it, as a genuine product would be a gold mine if it had actual proof to back it up.

Tea Detox is just another unproven fad promoted by those looking to make a quick buck of the desperate.
I have been drinking African bush tea for years & it sure hasn't helped me lose any weight. I didn't drink it for that reason though, but it appealed to me because it was always being drunk by the "traditionally built" Precious Ramotswe in the No 1 Ladies Detective series. I quite like the taste. So far, I have not detected any magical weight-loss properties. I am SO, SO sick of the spam to do with red tea! There is a Tsunami of it :(
Unfortunately Bush tea ( rooibos) is not a weight loss tea! The weight loss I'm referring to is very different from Rooibos! We use Rooibos all the time and we have appetite for food even after drinking Rooibos! However, the tea I'm referring to Cate induces fasting! One can actually go for days without food when they use this tea! I'm not speaking for any brand here! I'm just clearing the air!

For the record everyone. Bush Tea does help detox. But I'm in no way saying its the only thing or component necessary to achieve weight loss success! Teas that contain antioxidants should be used with other weight loss methods including nutrition and workout! They may prove very instrumental during a weight loss plateau!

I also agree with coach! Certain entrepreneurs are exploiting our fears as human beings. But not everyone is a "black sheep".

I think I'm going be a bit polarizing here. Its a take or leave it kind of advice.

One thing I have observed is that most people take antioxidant teas with sugar! I think they be taken without sweetening.
Here is a study that points to the fat oxidation of Green Tea in particular!

Green tea has shown to increase metabolism by 4%.

Here is another that "confirms rooibos herbal tea as good dietary antioxidant sources and, in conjunction with its many other components, offers a significantly enhanced antioxidant status of the liver in an induced oxidative stress situation."

But I must admit that because of the way these products are advertised, people have unrealistically high expectations of what these products can do for them!

And once again I agree with you Coach!
idmd- Are you still about? Your thread has been hijacked. If you feel like starting a new one we will visit you there!
I think you're being bitter Cate! I didn't hijack anything here! idmd asked for advice and I simply recommended GREEN, BLACK OR RED TEA! You and Truslvey said there was no proof and I offered you proof! PERIOD!

Maybe you need to read his post again!
I am going to close this thread now, as it is now attracting spammers wanting to sell their products and the original poster has not been on the forum since their post. It is hard to have a good discussion on some topics without it attracting those wanting to push their product and I don't want to see such a thread ruined by marketers and spammers.
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