Weight-Loss Detox before dieting?



New member
i friend just told me that you should never start a diet before detoxing, im about to start one and a new exercise regime should i detox before i start?

always thought Detoxing was a but of a myth but happy to be proved wrong
Detoxing is a myth, you're right. It's a waste of time and money.

The next time a friend tells you something like that, ask them to give you reasons why. And make sure that what they tell you is based in scientific reality and not mumbo-jumbo or some advertising something they read in a magazine. I've found that most of the time when a friend tells me something, they aren't really able to back it up with more than "I read it in X magazine" or something like that.
Detox diets when they are done properly are not a myth. Just go on a safe detox diet where there's no deprivation and you'll feel the difference in the way you feel and how energetic you are.I used to also think that detox diets are myth and marketing, but they way I did it was basicly to go on a mostly vegetarian diet where I can only eat fish as an animal product and I ate raw for 10 days and the results were amazing. Since then I never got sick and I feel like I am 18 years old again :) !! but of course that feeling is sth that we all have to experience for ourselves to understand
Originally Posted by kd007

Detox diets when they are done properly are not a myth. Just go on a safe detox diet where there's no deprivation and you'll feel the difference in the way you feel and how energetic you are.I used to also think that detox diets are myth and marketing, but they way I did it was basicly to go on a mostly vegetarian diet where I can only eat fish as an animal product and I ate raw for 10 days and the results were amazing. Since then I never got sick and I feel like I am 18 years old again :) !! but of course that feeling is sth that we all have to experience for ourselves to understand

They are a myth and there is no scientific proof behind it.

You feel more energetic and different because you are not stuffing bad foods down your throat. I can tell an obese person to cut out all the bad foods, eat healthily and more lean proteins and they will automatically say they feel 100x better and full of energy.