Hey guys! Specific weight loss question for my stats. I’m 38. 5’3. 117 lbs. this is a healthy weight for sure but I’m soft flabby and I was much happier 2 years ago when I was 110. I’d love to shed those 7 lbs in 3 weeks. Important event coming up. Do we think this is possible? Let’s say I eat 1000 calories a day and make sure I burn 500 a day. That about 500 calories less food a day and 500 workout calories. Which means 7000 less a week. Which should burn 2 lbs a week right? I think this is doable in a healthy way with chicken veggies smoothies etc. I know it’s haeder since I’m not fat. But what do we think? Any tips? It’s unfortunately very important I look my best in 3 weeks.