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Hello there! I am in DESPERATE need of suggestions.

I am very well versed in nutrition and exercise. I am a nurse practitioner and have spend my whole adult life focusing on a healthy diet and exercise. Since I was a child, it has always been very hard for me to maintain my weight.

I have eaten a Vegan diet for 2 years now. For 6-7 years, I have eaten 1200ish calories per day. I have VERY strong self control. I make sure to get protein in the form of a whey protein shake for lunch and or dinner. I dont eat any fast food or desserts. I will occasionally overeat on Christmas or something, but that is it.

I love to work out. For the last 5 years I have done a bootcamp M/W/F every week. In the last 2 years, I started running too. Typically 5-8 miles. I am now training for a marathon. I run about 20-25 miles total in a weeks times.

Typical week:
Monday: boot camp in morning, running after work.
Tues: Run in morning, run after work
Wed: Boot camp in morning
Thursday: Run in morning, run after work
Friday: boot camp in morning, usually run after work
Saturday: long run (10-13 miles)
Sunday: rest or run

I do all the things "they" say to do: drink tons of water, eat small meals through out the day, focus on high protien diet, dont eat after 6pm, get 8 hours of sleep, ect.

When in college, I worked crazy hard to get to 125 for my wedding. Since then, I have steadily gained weight despite increasing my efforts. I now weigh 150! (I am 5'7") I know its not an unhealthy weight. My BMI is 23. My %body fat is 21.5%. I know this is healthy. My frustration lies in the fact that its taking SO MUCH to just stay this weight! I work out 10-12 times per week and eat 1200 calories and stay the same.

I have the most amazingly supportive husband that has allowed me to consult several (expensive) professionals.

Nutritionist: She had me increase my total calories slowly over 3 months. (1400 for 1 month, and 1600 the next 2 months). I gained 7 ilbs and have not gotten it back. I stopped consulting her and went back to 1200.

Endocrinologist: I do have slight hypothyroidism. I was started on medication 2 years ago. I am still increasing my dose slowly. I am up to 100 mcg with a goal to have my TSH close to 1. She did all sorts of hormonal labs to make sure nothing else was wrong. All came back normal. (TSH: 2.08, Free T4: 1.3, Free T3: 2.5, Cortisol: 0.7, Testosterone: 41, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone)

Personal Trainer: On tues/thurs I have a personal trainer that coaches me and 2 other on running.

Exercise Physiologist: Had my resting metabolism measured, as well as my % body fat. My resting metabolism is 1340 (low average). By his calculations, I should eat 1400-1800 calories per day. It would take 2300 calories per day for me to gain weight per his calculations.
My % body fat with the calipers is 21.5%.

Hypnosis: Yep, this is how far I went. It was better than I thought. I wanted to see if they would help me be more positive about my goal. Obviously, i get down about it sometimes because of my serious hard work and lack of results. I do feel more positive about it. He also told me to focus on listening to my body. Eat when Im hungry. Stop when Im full. Eat slow, drink lots of water between. Im have been working on this.

So... what do you think?

Am I missing something? Does anyone have any suggestions that can help? I am getting super desperate.
It sounds like you are not eating enough calories for the amount of activity that you are doing. Once you increase your calories gradually you will find that you gain some weight because your body is not used to it. Once your metabolism adjusts, you will return to normal and start to loose again. Just make sure you are increasing calories with healthy options rather than empty calories.
First and foremost don't get down on yourself. I am a health coach and 20% of weight loss is exercise 80% is nutrition and what you fuel your body with. Increase your intake with great nutrition.
Hi Samantha,
I just created this account because this is exactly what I'm looking for, people with the same problem as I have. I'm 20 years old and I live in Belgium. My weight is 62kg (I don't know what it is in lbs) and my heigt is 170 cm. That's a pretty normal weight, but I really have a problem with my legs. While my arms and belly are pretty ok, I always need a bigger size for my legs.
So, I'm actually on a diet since 4 years but nothing seems to work. 2 weeks ago, I started a 'new plan': doing cardio for 50 minutes almost every day and only consuming 1300 or 1400 calories. One week later, I was 0.5 kg havier. Now I'm trying to eat 1000 or 1200 a day. I'm already doing it since 5 days and I don't see any progress on the scale. I never went to a diet specialist but I'm considering it now (it's pretty expensive for me because I'm just a student). An other thing I could try is to eliminate some things like diary, gluten, eggs,.. but I don't know if that's the problem because I'm not intolerant against anything and I never had problems. But you seem to know a lot about it, maybe you could give me some advice? I think we have the same problem, except that I don't exercice THAT much and that I never looked for professional advice (I once went to the doctor to let him examine my blood, to see if I had problems with that hypoth.. i dont remeber what the right word was, and I also do a lot of exercices so I do have muscles - rest metabolism 1392). Anyway, I would love to hear something for you, and I also want to give you my emailadres: I don't know exactly why, but I'm also just desperate like you so I would be happy to have some support, and it's good to know that I'm not the only one who is having this problem.
Greetings, Sofie

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Hi dear I will tell you what I told another person "Try resolution by total life changes...its all natural and from my research is suppresses your appetite and burns fat.. it's total life changes . com / exceptional , you can see what in it there and read how it works. I tried theie tea and it worked great, lost 5lbs in 7 days and I didnt have to exercise or change my diet .you should check it out too." I also took garcinia for 3 weeks and it didnt work..the tea worked
Have you tried strength training? more muscles will help you burn fat.