Desperate and Confused hereHELP,16y old, 5'9 and 230 pounds

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Hello Everybody!
i am new here on the forum
i am desperate and need help here!!:confused: :confused:
i have gotten soo confused by reading soo many article on the internet
here who i am, please read and please help me

I am 16 years old,male 5'9 and weigh 228 pounds
i am on summer vacation now, and ready to lose weight
i have recently joined a gym close to me to lose weight in the summer
basically i want to lose as much weight as i can untill september, when i am in my new clases and want people to respect me instead of that silent fatass. I also avoid sitting with girls or being close to one as i am fat and she might wanna get away from me. Basically I have lost my cofidence. I am willing to DO ANYTHING to lose that weight

i am very confused by reading soo many article on the internet about weight loss and all of them claim different things. One say that you can lose one pound a day while the other say no more then 2 pounds a week is good. Articles can be soo confusing and also there are soo many diet that i am tired now. some artcle also suggest if you eat very less, you might be able to lose weight slowly then if you eat at normal amount, your cells would work and you would lose weight easily. i dont want this to happen to me too

i have 10 weeks (65 days) to lose as much as i can. I am hoping for losing 40-60 pounds in that time. I am thinking about exercise 4 hours a day including 1 hour of weight training 5 days a week. Can also do more hours if required.

I am sticking with danish diet for 13 days, right here which is good for your metabolism and you also lose weight, then i will continue with negative calories concept diet, basically eat food all the time.

Is negative calories food concept true. Is it possible to lose calories while you eat more, Here the list of fruit and vegetable that come in negavtive foods. Is the food in this catogory better to eat more and more to lose more calories or to eat as less as possible so tht you dont feel hungry and still have the samll amount of calories in you.

I have been working out on the tread mill and ellipticle machine in the gym,and they have two program fat burn and cardio. i dont know hich ones to choose from if i want to lose more weight. in many articles it says to lose fat you must spent a lot of time on fat burn to lose more weight. Cardio will build your muscle. any suggestion as to what heart rate i should be at to lose the maximum amount of fat/weight. So should i spent those 3 hours on high intensity (cardio) program or spent 6 hours on the low intensity (fat burn) program. Which one would be better to lose more fat/weight. Yes i am this desperat to lose weight and since its summer, i am doing this like a job, a job of losing weight.

please give me advice on this fat burn and cardio excercise, which i better

please if you can tell me about a diet that you can fastest lose weight.

and again is negative calories food concept true and the diest i am following good enought.

Basically tell me if my plan would enable me to lose the most weight in shortest amount of time

and can someone also tell me how much calries i should take in one day after i am off the danish diet since i would also be burning them
Hello and congratulations on your determination to lose weight!
I wanted to let you know that I have tried the negative calorie
foods - adding them into my diet and it did work.
But I also ate healthy meals and just integrated
the negative calorie foods in as snacks or side dishes.
As you probably know the negative calorie food works because
it takes more calories to digest the food than it actually
contains. Like celery, apples etc... You can also make sure
you eat dinner early enough, never eat after 6 pm and if you
do need something eat fruit (apple) before bed.
You should probably shoot for losing 20 or 30 lb.s in that
10 week period, too much isn't healthy. And I'm not sure about
exercising so many hours per day either. Maybe someone else here
can give you some good advice on that. If you haven't been active
any amount of exercise you start out with is good. Maybe try an
hour a day, just be careful and good luck!
HI there,

since you want to lose the weight that fast you should choose the fat burning workout rather than the cardio one.
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