Designer whey and omega 3?

Hi all a few quick questions.

#1 I just purchased some designer whey from my local GNC. It had the protective plastice around lid but once I opened it there was no protective seal inside under the lid. is there suppose to be? I aam new to this brand and most I have seen DO have a seal under lid also.

#2 I also purchased some double stregnth fish oil. I called gnc to see what the mercur rating was and they said it is .1 ppm. This seems to me about the same as a can of tuna (info found on an FDA site). Is this a safe ammount or mercury especialy if I take 3 of these a day? I have heard of people getting mercury poisoning from cans of tuna just eating one a day every day for 2 months. Thanks all for any info.
1. I haven't touched Designer Whey in 5 years, but if the outside seal was there, it should be fine. on my ON protein, often the inner seal gets peeled off when you unscrew the lid, so it looks like a 'lid liner' instead of the original secondary seal.

2. I doubt its harmful. do some googling on mercury posioning. IIRC, selenium plays a role in removing mercury from the body, so as long as you're not selenium deficient, normal consumption of fish and fish oil should be a non-issue.
my double stregth fish oils have

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) (omega-3) 360.00 mg
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)(omega-3) 240.00 mg

How many should I take a day? It says As a dietary supplement, take one or two capsules daily with each meal. I would like to not take 6. Anyone know what numbers can be of a nice benifit without eating 2 at every meal?

thanks much. great info as always :)