

New member
:( Why does it seem like everytime ya try to do something for yourself something or someone has to step in your way? When I first started trying to lose weight my fiance was working out with me and helping to support me. A few days later he finds out that he is getting promoted to site suppervisor were he works as a securtiy guard. Since then he hasn't been into helping me at all. I haven't really gotten to work out because when he comes home he just wants to do 'work' related stuff.. (like keep his nose shoved up his pagers a$$ or surf the web looking for things he knows we can't afford for work, like new badges or lights for the cars) I can't workout during the day because my 6mnth old won't let me. Today we were supposed to go jogging and do some partner resistance training along with push-ups and sit-ups, but no he decided that it's more important to go stick his nose up 'his' security gaurds a$$es on his day off. I have been crying all morning cause it seems like his promotion and talking about things he can never do or buy is more important than the promise he made to help me lose weight.

If you read this thanks for listening, I just had to get this out and off my back.
it's good to get things out - rather than let them fester inside you - and make you do things that are self destructive (like eat that pint of hagen daaz :D

Have you told him how you feel? He might not be aware of how his promotion is affecting his home life. when/if you do decide to talk to him about it - keep it all about you - and not finger pointing at him..

What about getting a workout buddy in your area (sparkpeople has a bulletin board that you could probably find someone in your area who would workout on your schedule, even if it's just a walking partner)

You're doing what you need to do for you- don't let someone else get you down.. you will succeed totally on your own :D
There are things you can do at home even with a 6 month old. Sit-ups are great, because even if your baby is the type that needs to be held a lot, that'll add about 15 lbs resistance to you right there!

Try to get some fresh air...I had post-partum depression after my little one in June (plus a break-up:( ) Just taking the baby for a walk in the sun with the breeze blowing around was perfect, and he loved it.
I agree with the above. There are certainly exercises you can do with your kid that I've heard about. Some people put their baby in a carseat and lift it up and down, or yeah, taking a walk with the baby, or put on some exercise videos and put your child right by you maybe when he/she is sleeping and exercise.
Try a search engine for "jogging strollers" like . So your partner wont join in - well, thats relationships for you. You got to do this thing for yourself, so do it by yourself. My partner wont run with me, walk the dog with me, and rarely goes to the gym with me (although we both pay expensive subs), but I do it anyway .... maybe its different because I'm a bloke, but if you want something bad enough (ie. fitness), then you have to be careful not to put up your own obstacles, or blame other people. Its personal responsibility.
I have to agree with TF, you have to make this about yourself and just do it.

There are always going to be people who don't want you to succeed, whether they know they are sabotaging or not. And there will always be a plethora of reasons not to follow through with any goal - you can't play mind games with yourself and you can't make it about other people.

This is your journey, own it.