Denied Health Insurance Coverage, BECAUSE I LOST WEIGHT.


New member
I recently applied for health insurance with Golden Rule, which is a subsidiary of United Health. The salesman asked me the usual questions over the phone, and didn't seem too concerned with anything as far as my health was concerned. After all, I have never been hospitalized my entire life, and haven't even had the flu since I was a kid. To my dismay, I receive a letter in the mail stating that my application was denied due to my recent weight loss. The letter also stated that no refund was due because I sent no payment. This is untrue because I sent them a quarterly payment with the application which covered 3 months of policy. I called them regarding this letter and told them I have simply stopped eating the fast food I ate my entire life, and the weight literally fell off overnite. The lady congratulated me on my improved health. I then asked her for my money back. She claims it was sent 12 days ago. We'll see. Bottom line: Don't use this company!
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wow, that sucks, thank for the tip!
what the hell? they denied you cause you're getting healthier?
yeah... totally follow up on it. they don't sound very trustworthy.
I went to the doctor today for a routine visit, got my blood pressure checked and a prescription for recent backaches. She was apalled by what I told her about the insurance. She told me she could provide them with medical records, that SHE INSTRUCTED ME TO LOSE WEIGHT back in february. Which she did, and I followed through. But nah, I'm not interested in doing business with total assclowns anyways.