Sport Deli choices

Sport Fitness
I live on my college campus, so if I want to eat healthy, I pretty much have to make my own food in my dorm room (armed with nothing more than a fridge and a microwave).

But if I want to pick up something faster, a deli seems like the best choice (there are about 5 of them within two blocks of me). What would be the best sandwich or salad choices to pick up at a local deli?

Lately I've been getting a sandwich with rotisserie-style turkey, cranberry sauce, lettuce, and pickles. Then I don't eat the bread. Is that a reasonably healthy choice? Thanks for the help - I'm out of food and I have to pick up lunch today! :p
fi you can get whole breast sliced, that's ideal. usually 'deli meat' is very processed, so even the chicken/turkey slices are loaded with fillers and preservatives.

as far as bread - i'm not a fan of bread, especially when its not whole grain.
I would maybe eat 1/2 of one slice (I'm assuming 6" style hoagie buns). that way you get some starchy carbs for energy, but you don't load up on em.
Deli meat usually absolute crap as Malkore mentioned. Can you buy whole cooked chicken/breast anywhere?
Is it possible to run any smaller kitchen stuff in your dorm? foreman grill? Rice steamer?