deck of cards workout

so i did the deck of cards workout for the first time today (link at the bottom). i did it with chin ups, push ups, sit ups, leg lifts, and 25 body weight squats for each of the 4 jokers i had. i felt that towards the end i started losing form. would it be better to do as much as i can without losing form and then stop, or tone it down a little so that i can do the whole thing?
Either way is good as long as your giving a good effort. You can just rest more between exercises if you need to.

I did it with burpees, chin ups, push ups and sit ups and i thought i might I did 36 cards in 30 minutes and felt like i got a great workout.
i kept telling myself i was going to stop, but i really wanted to get through it so i stuck it out, and it felt amazing cause i felt like i got a great workout. ive also just started taking whey, so im excited to see if i notice any results.

do you think ill see any changes by this summer if i eat right, get my protein in, and workout 3 days a week with 2-3 days of cardio?