Dear lord, someone PLEASE tell me how to lose weight

How? Just how.

I'm a sixteen year old who has very recently gorged herself on a huge pack of crispy m'n'ms after making plans of a new weight loss regime by going to the gym almost everyday and TRYING to bloody eat small portions.

I've been over weight for SEVEN YEARS. Is this really going to be it? Am I REALLY never going to achieve a normal weight by the time I'm off to Uni??

Bloody hell am I fed up.

Ok ok, I know. I have an easier challenge than others. Ask anyone who seen me in normal clothes (i.e not in a swimsuit or in tight fitting clothes.) and most will say I'm at a normal weight with slightly lanky ish legs. I'm not officially obese. However, at a fat percentage hovering around 30%, I'm sick of it. I'm SICK SICK SICK. And when I'm not sick I am TIRED. I am SICK AND TIRED of this tyre around my middle.

Someone please help me in this decievingly Sisyphean task that so many others have achieved in, and I have not.

Just HOW?
Hello! First and foremost, you are not alone.

There are clearly a number of issues here. Describe your eating habits. Do you find yourself binge eating a lot?
Hi Secret Eater. It seems to me you have an issue about believing that you can actually achieve the weight loss that you want. You seem determined to do it on the surface, as you've made a plan and are going to the gym etc, then when (in your eyes) you fail by eating a bag of M&Ms its as though all is lost. Its not! You need to tackle your thoughts as well as the physical aspects of weight loss. So some sort of meditating, relaxation or just more positive style self talk could make all the difference. If you have a set back just get back on with it again, and you will succeed.