Deadlift Question

I want to deadlift again. I hurt my back (deadlifting) on 12-24-09 and havent deadlifted since. What can you suggest for someone who has prior back problems, but wants (needs) to deadlift again?

I want to deadlift again. I hurt my back (deadlifting) on 12-24-09 and havent deadlifted since. What can you suggest for someone who has prior back problems, but wants (needs) to deadlift again?


I'd say it would be sensible to look into why you hurt your back in the first place. How did it happen? Is there some postural problem that led to the injury?

The other obvious advice would be good technique and progressive loading but you probably know that.
i hate to admit it, but ego and probably being too tired hurt my back. I always had good technique, just went too far one day on a 1RM.
Have you rehabbed your back? Or have you just not used it since? There may (or may not, depending) be certain rehab exercises you should do before getting back into deadlifting, so consulting with a sports physio would be a good idea, unless you already have the green light to start deadlifting. Once you're at a point where you can safely deadlift, it's really quite obvious - start light, progressively increase weight in very small doses. Even if you only increase your working weight by 5lb/session and start at a weight that you could currently barbell row, that will accumulate over time. Obviously make good technique a priority, and it might be wise to avoid going to failure, given the nature of the injury.
My chiropractor had me do different exercises and stretches while rehabing it. After about 3 months it felt pretty good. During the last year my only direct lower back work had been hyperextensions. I def dont plan on trying a 1RM anywhere in my near future. Thanks for your suggestions. Sometimes I already know the right answer, but it helps to hear it from others as well.

Ego is a terrible thing. It got me pinned on a flat bench under a loaded bar once. Luckily I only hurt my pride.
best thing you could do is.. spend a bit more time on your back when warming up.. and when doing warm up sets spend more time on technique.. and get a good stretch.. maybe use the foam rollers on your back.. or a tennis ball.
as for being too tired.. go get some jack3d by USPlabs.. or N.O. Explode by BSN.