Deadlift Pain


New member
I'm trying to deadlifts properly but I'm having some pain in my lower back which to me, seems like a sign I am NOT doing them properly. It's sorta like spinal pain I guess. I have gotten it from other things and to be honest, I'm in pain all the time so its hard for me to know when I've hurt myself. I've read articles from T-Nation, books, other sites, etc. I've watched Mark Rippetoe demonstrations about a million times. I'm having someone watch me to make sure I do not arch my back at all and always keep it straight. I'm not sure what else to do. I don't have a trainer and I haven't seen one yet who did deadlifts with their clients. Is it likely my form is bad? Am I just doing too much? Is it because I have issues with pain in my bones and muscles anyway? I don't know. I want to do them but I absolutely do NOT want to damage my spine in any way shape or form. And now I've had a comment that if I keep doing deadlifts I'm going to blow out my spine. Now, granted, the guy who said this didn't know what they were until my husband showed him a video and he's probably never lifted a weight in his life. But I'm paranoid and I don't want to hurt myself. I'm cautious to the point of being ridiculous so I have no clue what else I could do. Ideas? Thoughts? Am I messing up my back?

If it is any help, my back is swayed like Lordosis. I also fell on my tailbone about 1.5 years ago and it's been a pain ever since. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2002 (whether that is really what i have is debatable but i have the pain no matter what you want to call it).

Oh, and I'm also having pain about 3 inches over from my spine. I don't know what exactly that are is called but there is a knot there. It hurts all the time but especially so after doing deadlifts.
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Generally if something hurts, you shouldn't do it.

It's impossible to diagnose over the web. Your best bet would be to find a good doctor in an attempt to get to the bottom of the true cause of the pain. I know I would, as I would hate having the hinderance.

You could start with an ART practitioner and see if they can feel if anything is going on. You can find a provider here:

If he/she is no help, you're going to have to find a good sports med doc or a back specialist.

Sucks, but true.

How heavy are you going in the deads and what weight did you use when you first started?
1. It doesn't hurt at all when I do them, only a few hours later
2. I don't go very heavy. I'm up to 45lbs now but I can back off that
3. I started with about 6lbs over a year ago.
There are two ART providers 10 miles from me. Is a sports doc just doing to tell me not to do deadlifts? I have one close and I've been there for running issues. Their answer was for me to never run again.
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Then it's a poor sport med doc. I'd start with an art practitioner. Not all are good but of the ones I've communicated with, they've been top notch. If it's a problem that's beyond their expertise, maybe they can refer you to a better sports med doc.
I did some walking and water aerobics today. Now if feels fine. I'm going to consider seeing someone though. I definitely do NOT want to screw up my back.