Dating Advice

I saw this and started laughing when I read "Chump #2"...

Is this you, tsi? ;)
Is this you, tsi? ;)

I do see how you could make that parallel but let's look at the text:

This dude skydives, surfs, runs with the bulls -- anything for that rush. And he has the sick abs and chiseled arms to prove it. But to keep him happy, you need to be in perpetual motion too. This guy does not like to sit around, and he doesn't like for you to sit around either. And it isn't just a phase. In his late 30s, he'll get into marathons, and they'll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you'll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?

If you read this again, who is the first person that comes to mind? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.
The Title got me thinking..
Isnt this a fitness forum not a speed dating service?? What has this board come to...ahaha!
I do see how you could make that parallel but let's look at the text:

This dude skydives, surfs, runs with the bulls -- anything for that rush. And he has the sick abs and chiseled arms to prove it. But to keep him happy, you need to be in perpetual motion too. This guy does not like to sit around, and he doesn't like for you to sit around either. And it isn't just a phase. In his late 30s, he'll get into marathons, and they'll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you'll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?

If you read this again, who is the first person that comes to mind? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Yeah, we both know who that it;
Yeah, but the ladies love him.