Sport Dang what should I do?

Sport Fitness
I do a 1 hour workout (Intensity is around medium. I do push ups, dips, and various dumbbell workouts like hammer curls, rows, shrugs) every day excluding Wednesday and Saturday (my rest days)

My back has considerate mass, my chest is more flat than defined, my abs are defined but are being 75% masked by a stubborn layer of belly fat. As for my arms, the biceps are built moderately, and the triceps not that much due to me neglecting them before, but my definition is also considerably masked by little body fat.

I am TIRED of my belly fat. When I wake up, I have this lean body (skinny, but not that much), but my body muscle is not showing entire definition because of this stubborn fat. It's not even a big layer, just a small annoyance. It's a layer that seems to be the last step to get rid of before I see ripped definition. I am a skinny guy with some muscle mass, and yet I have this annoying layer of body fat.

I am around 130 lbs. 5'11 and 20 years old. I am having a hard time figuring out what to do in terms of losing body fat or building mass. I would like to build more mass, but then I won't be losing this body fat it seems if I take in extra calories. What's more is it isn't easy for me to get cardio done where I live, and I was hoping with not that much body fat to lose that I can just accomplish it with my diet.

I simply do not want to lose my gained muscle mass, but then this may just happen if I lower calories....argh.

My diet is as follows:

Breakfast: Everyday: 1 peanut butter & jelly sandwich, 1 turkey breast sandwich. Whole wheat bread used (4 slices in all).
4 egg whites

Total calories: Around 600 calories

Lunch: Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri: 1 Grilled Chicken wrap (Around 4 oz. of chicken breast with some lettuce) - Total Calories: Around 400-500?
Wednesday: This is my cheat day, I only cheat during lunch and it varies from a slice of pizza, or a beef patty etc. - Total Calories: Varies 400-700?

Dinner: Everyday: I eat brown rice with steamed chicken breast/fish alot during my dinner most days. Sometimes I have Ronzoni pasta with steamed chicken breast once in awhile for dinner. My dinner varies basically, but it is never anything fatty. My dinner meals are the size of 2 fists.

Total calories: around 500?


I just eat fruit, nothing else for snacks.

I also do not use oil anymore in my foods.

I used to eat like a monster before I went on this new diet. I would have snacks handy like goldfish and those $1 bundle of cracker packs (love those). I would also gorge down mcdonalds and wendys on fridays etc. I would also get popeyes chicken for weekend food, the works. I never ate fat all the time, but I did take in my share of junk food. I never got fat really, I stayed steady with the body I have now. I've been on the new diet above for 2 weeks now, so is it unfair that I am looking for major results so soon? I was never able to see my abs, and then last week I saw them peaking out without me needing to suck in my gut and I realized they were built well due to my ab workout I have been doing for 1 year.

To sum it all up, I take in around 1500 calories each day, and I do not do cardio. I used to do a 10 minute pathetic cardio, with me jumping around or running in place etc. The thing was frustrating as heck, I would be better off saving up for a cycling machine or treadmill. I also take in a VERY low amount of saturated fat if any on any given day (except for Wednesday cheat day). Will I see definition results and maintain/build muscle mass with what I am doing now or am I kidding myself?

Well this concludes my essay.
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So, first, stop doing the exact same workout all of the time. Eat much MUCH better and much MUCH more. At 5'11 and 130 lbs I can't even remotely understand how you would want to lose any weight. I honestly think you need to bulk for a long time. Eat tons up tons...and be working out of course.
So it doesn't matter that I have some unwanted BF? By bulking will I build into definition if I keep saturated fat down?

Eat much better? What am I eating that is wrong? My cheat day? The bread?
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