Weight-Loss Dance It Off Challenge...Ideas...



New member
A friend and I were chatting and thought this would be a neat idea..

If you agree, please share your thoughts on how we can make this work for everyone! :)

Dance It Off Challenge

It would be like an On-Line Denise Austin Work-Out Class!
Once you've done it ~ Come here and chat about how it went ~ Gain Support ~ Give Support {Maybe we could do points and fun stuff like the other challenges? Points for like how long you lasted? Points for coming here and doing a check in after? Losing weight/inches - etc}

The Only way this will work is for you to get the DVD.. Here is the info..

Found at *Wal*Mart* Only $9.44

Denise Austin
Fat-Burning Dance Mix {Title}

Latin Groove
Jazz & Pop
Club Funk
Ballet Sculpt

Also has a warm-up & cool-down..

Share your Thoughts/Ideas

What do you think about this?

Havin' 3 different threads here..
Maybe some will just want to join 1 class?


Mon- Latin Groove Class

Wed- Club Funk Class

Friday- Jazz & Pop Class

None of this is set in stone of course..

Just thought I'd check to see if any of you guys were interested!

I have to do many types of things or I get bored and give up on exercise..lol

We could dance off the fat!

{If you are a Dancing with the Stars fan, you'll love this DVD!}
I think it sounds fun and it's a good way to get in cardio!!
Sounds like a fun dvd. Do you have it already? Sometimes I can take DA and sometimes I can't - all the "shuffle, shuffle, shuffle." LOL

I have DDR - I wonder if we could do that too?
Hi ya! Yep I have the dvd.. ;)

I don't see a problem with that if some don't/can't get the dance mix dvd..:)

I could get it - but I'd have to look up the reviews - and who knows it might be fun! I just was suggesting DDR because I already have that - they do have a workout feature that calculates calories. :)
I think I will be at Wally World today and will see if I can find it - definitely can't hurt to have for that price. ;)
We didn't get to wally world yet, I think the plans changed - cause dh took off on his 4 wheeler and hasn't been back yet. ;)

Just stoppin' in to say that I got out the DDR - since it's a newer version - and it was a lot of work! I don't like the songs on this version as much as the older version I had, but it's still lots of moving around. ;)

When I get a chance to get to WW I'll let you know if I find a copy of this dvd.
Okie Dokie!

