if my recommended daily intake was 2200 calories, does it matter if my day started at 5am and ended at midnight?
ive been up with a baby since 5, it happens a lot. hard to stick to a schedule when you dont have a set schedule to start with.
I don't believe the number of hours that you're awake will significantly effect the number of calories burned per day...but I do believe it's harder to control your intake when you're tired.
Baby won't be a baby forever though...try to enjoy this time while it lasts....even the crying times.
I've always thought that the body burns more calories when awake than it does when sleeping. That's what I've always read. So if that is true, if you are up long hours you might need a higher calorie intake.
and you aren't really going full out for those waking hours...
CHeck the stickied thread in this forum for the link to harris benedict formula... and you'll get an idea of your bmr - that is your basal metabolic rate -the amount of calories you'd need were you to never get out of bed... then it factors in your activity...
Don't forget that there's no one size fits all - you have to really be aware of what works for your body... some require a bit more calories - some less... you want as many calories as you can and still lose weight -otherwise down the road it's tough to adjust downwards.